HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaximum Paintball Inc Concession Agmt Regional Sports Complexrn��%w+ai REPORT TO THE CITYCOUNCIL 16, 2008 AGENDA ITEM NO. COUNCIL MEETING 9:30am 9/16108 6 62'aQVIED By air ,ri v Parks, Lt COOPER, Director Parks, After School, Recreation antlomsmuniry Services Depadment JERRY HAYNES, Assistant Director Parks. After School, Recreation antl unity Services Department 1) AWARD A CONCESSION CONTRACT TO MAXIMUM PAINTBALL FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A PAINTBALL FACILITY AT THE REGIONAL SPORTS COMPLEX 11 -ACRE FLOOD BASIN 2) APPROVE THE 474TH AMENDMENT TO MASTER FEE SCHEDULE RESOLUTION NO. 80-420 ESTABLISHING REGIONAL SPORTS COMPLEX PAIN IT ALL FACILITY FEES. Fixe no in ch :0,91Z il, o9 7(, /0 IF KEY RESULT AREA Customer Satisfaction une si-Siaraa� f RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that Me Council 1) approve and award Me attached concession agreement to Maximum Pension for the operation and maintenance of a spirtfu ll facility at the Regional Sports Complex, 2) and approve the 474"' Amendment to Master Fee Resonant No. W-420 establishing Regional Sports Complex PainMSll Facility fees. and that the new fees become effective September 26, 2008 EKECUME SUMMARY City of Fresno Palls, After Sclool, Recreation and Community Sources Department (PARCSI impaled process over one year ago to establish a Orel for operation and maintenance of a paintbell facility at Regional Sports Complex. The process was delayed as FARCE worked through the necessary permits approvals. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requested a comprehensive review M Ne basin, Ming In the City receiving full and complete approval from the EPA regarding this matter. Please see chert e -mal dated July 8, 2006 from Pathea Bowfin, Superfund Protect Manager, EPA. To date, all permits a been received, PARCS confirmed the necessary approval from the EPA, and Me City is ready to move informal Request for Proposal for the Intens 2007-2006 Concession Contract to operate to pain chill My was advertisetl and mailed to three companies on January 9, 2007 The submission deadline for Me aosals was March 24, M7 Birt proposals were opened end the only two responses were received from i PalnMal and Maximum Paintball. Proposal Revew Committee reviewed and evaluated the two pmpsas and ranked them from highest to sal based on the following cntena� SUBJECT TO MAYOR'S VETO REPORT TO THE CfTY COUNCIL Sports Complex • Conformancato RFPrequirements • References and experience in providing service as it relates to the entire palniball experience • Oua d rationof key persmnel • Financial stability and capability The proposal submitted by Maximum Paintball (a kcal business) was ranked No. 1 overall based on the noted omens. Maximum fountbaih proposal reflected their ability and experience in operating a facility of this magnitude, Meir professional and experienced stall, their relationship with State and National Leagues, and strong relationship with OSHA and other safety regulating companies. Maximum Painiball has served the local partial community for over 15 years by providing American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) approved safety equipment for purchase and her as well as planning State and National XBSL and NPPL paintball tournaments. Sweet on the comprehensiveness of Meir plan to operate and maintain Me facllly and provide recreational user services, Maximum Painiball'a proposal articulated Me most benefit for the City. Additionally, Maximum Painiball's financial resources, experience In operation and maintenance of paintball facilities, and Meir position as a leader in paintball equipment in the Central Vagey for Me past 15 years weighed heavily on to ranking by Me evaluating committee. Maximum PainWall will spend over $115,000 to construct the temporary site in Me 4 acre flood tiasin at the Sports Complex, and are financially prepared to operate and run the facility at an estimated monthly cost of $6,500. They need no additional construction or renovation support from the City. Paintball user fees will be established per attached concessionaire agreement and Master Fee Schedule resolution. This is consistent with the manner In which fees were established for other City concessionaire con facilities, such as Riverside Got Course and Camp Fresno. The paintball facoliry user fees will be the lowest compared to Mose within the region. Per Me concessionaire agreement, an increase of fees may be considered on an annual basis. KEY OBJECTIVE BALANCE The Regional Sports Complex Painiball Facllty is a community asset and will serve as a catalyst for aNNty sed exercise in the community. Approval of this concessionaire agreement will holp ensure Mat continuous commonly involved paintball activities will be preserved for generations to come. The new concessionaire has indicated to Pants staff Met they will focus on improving customer service through facility upgrades antl timely responses to all client requests. :LLHXffiI•lrpl2: Maximum Painq all's goal has always been to offer a full service paintball experience, which would include a clean, well-stacked, professional retail location as well as a set of playing fields Met would be attractive M recreational and tournament players alike. The Regional Sports Complex is well-planned professionally maintained and in short, Me perfect location for a painMall facility. Paintball is a combination of the childhood games'tag" and "hide and seek, but l Is much more challenging and sophisticated. The basic concept involves the creation of two teams, and the goal of anninating team members by "marking" them with paint pellets. The sport requires very specific equipment: goggles, painiguns, pressurizetl gas, and thermopile. Paintball can be played indoors or out, with as few as 2 people or 5W people (the largest game on record Involved over 4,000 playersg. A game can last 5 minutes or an entire weekend. Painiball is a fun and exciting activity that brings individual from all walks of life together for recreational purposes. TO THE Cm COUNCIL Paintball FadiftylRegional Sports Complex Palntball will pay to City $500 per month in rent, which will generate $6,000 annually to the Cty. In he new amenity will increase the number of visitors to the par, resulting In added revenue of an $6.000-$8.000 annually. This number could Increase as interest in the facility intensities, and more a and National tournament events are scheduled_ Palntball is committed to the youth in Fresno and has also offered to provide Palnlball clinks twice . PARCS will identity 50 youth for each bi-weekly session form underserved or ew Income as to participate in Me clinics. Up to 50 youth will partlolpate in a paintball clinic every other Saturday November 06). Clinics will take place from 9 am -02 our, for up to 100 local youth to participate in pamtball Pori instruction on how M properly use the equipment to youth and PARCS staff. WIII charge each pardoned $10 for a bag of paintballs (500 bei. P to 50 youth That are interested In experiencing paintball two Saturdays per month the $10 fee for each participant (up to $500 par mcl he Participants to the paintball facility. ation to pay half of Me cloth casts of up to.50 youth ¢cost neutral in Nat It will be covered by t paid to Me City. Concession Agreement Master Fee Schedule Resolution EPA Letter OYDF FRESNO qry Lln rva Cluae IPFINoq CONCESSION AGREEMENT Between PARKS, AFTER-SCHOOL, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Cfiy of Fresno, California A Municipal Corporation And Maximum PainOall, Inc., a California Corporation THIS AGREEMENT, effective this /.or day of July 2003, by ar ip between the CITY OF FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as 'City', and Maximum Paintbsll, Inc., a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as 'Concessionaire'. WHEREAS, City owns, operates and has full rights to use for the purposes herein the water basin in the REGIONAL SPORTS PARK, which is located in the City of Fresno, County of Fresno, State of California, as more specifically described/depicted in Dmiblt "A' hereto and incorporated herein, hereinafter referred to as'Bann'; and WHEREAS, in response to Cltys Request for Proposals dated January 3, 2001 Concessionaire has submitted a Proposal to City dated January 19, 2001 to build, operate and maintain a 'Painiball Facility^ on he City owned Basin to provide paintball activities including equipment rental, food concession sales and tournament play to Me public. The Paints ll Facility established by Concessionaire a to be old for, contracted for and owrad by Concessionaire. A copy of mid Proposal IS Seemed hereto as Exhibit -W and consistent porhons of whloh are Incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, CM has suitable space on the Basin at the Regional Sports Park for such use; and WHEREAS, City has agreed M provide a modular office trailer for Concesslonalre's use at City's expense. Said trailer shall remain City property at all times; and WHEREAS, City deems X desirable to grant Concessionaire use and Concession rights for such facility, non -exclusively and subordinate to all City uses, financing, debt. liens, ground leases, leases and agreements, upon the terms and conditions herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of Me above recedis which are Contractual in nature, Me mutual Covenants and conditions contained herein, and for Other good and sufficient Consideration hereby acknowledged the parties do hereby agree, each for Itself and its successors and assigns, as follows: 1. General: The above recitals are true and correct and adopted as part of this Agreement. This Agreement is issued subject to the terms; Covenants, Conditions, and provisions herein contained and Concessionaire Covenants and agrees, as a material pad of Me consideration for this Agreement, Mat Concessionaire shall fully and faithfully Comply AM, keep, perform, anNor observe each and every term, condition, agreement, arMlor provision hereof to be complied AIM, kept, performed, am➢or observed by Concessionaire, and Concessionaire shall Comply AM all applicable laws of the United States, the State of California and the City, and AM all applicable reguladons promulgated by Federal, State, regional, or local administrative and regulatory agencies, now In force and as they may be enacted. Issued, or amended during Me term of this Agreement. 2. Term. Default and Terminal A. Initial Tom Of Anhui An R The Initial term of this Agreement shell he for the one (1) year period commencing July , 2003, and ending June 3t. 2009, unless sooner terminated in the manner hereinafter, and thereupon provided Concessionaire is not In default Me lane hereof shall be automatically re0nwed for up to four (4) additional one (1) year periods. Eller parry may terminate this Agreement at any time wird or without Cause by serving wdUen notice upon the other pard no less than thirty (W) days before such terminal is to be effective. Upon any termination Concessionaire shall promptly remove all he improvements, fixtures and property and reasonably restore the Been to its original condition and thereupon surrender the Basin. City, at ks option may take possession of, remove al destroy any improvements, fixtures and property not removed, and cause restoration of the Basin at Concessionaire's Coe. should Concessionaire /alta f0 timely do so. Any material failure by either party m perform hereunder upon 15 days notice of nonperformance shall be a default hereunder. S. Defintiom The phrase, Tie life of this Agreement" and any and all reasonably identifiable derivations thereof, when used herein, means me initial term and any and all automatic annual one (1) year extensions thereof as set forth wlihln Section A of this Article, above, unless and/or until sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. 3. Grant of Concessionaire Uses and Rig=: During the Term of this Agreement, City grants to Concessionaire non-exclusive and subordinate use and concession rights, to the Basin in "as is' condition, consistent with this Agreement and controlling law reguladaos, approvals and permits: A. Concessionaire has the opportunity to operate the facility Monday —Saturday horn 7am- 10 pm and on Sundays from 7 am —7 pm. B. Concessionaire will add summer night leagues, local toumaments and charity events in 2909. C. Concessionaire shall be responsible for the security of all As buildings, materials, and equipment. D. Concessionaire shall be responsible for opening and closing all its buildings and park Basin fencing. 4. Obliaefions Of The Concessionaire A. Concessionaire shall be responsible for any and all its litigation and electrical needs. B. Concessionaire shall be responsible for all maintenance, upkeep, semmy, sewer and utility payments for are modular office trailer. C. Concessionaire shall the responsible for damaged sprinkler heads and lines. D. Concessionaire shall ensure that all tis building structures satisfy building and fire codes. E. Concessionaire shall tie responsible for the construction of all courses, buildings, obstacles using American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, subject to prior City approval, with the exception of the modular office trailer. F. Concessionaire shall ensure that no all or glass will be allowed in course area. G. Concessionaire shell be responsible for providing restroom facilities and weekly cleaning of the restroom facilities. H. Concessionaire shall provide a minimum we restroom in Compliance firm the American Disability Act (ADA). I. Concessionaire shall provide concessions umll City builds its own Concession Stands at the Regional Sports Park, whereupon City may at its option require Concessbnzlre to discontinue[foodlbeveragej concessions. J. Concessionaire shall use and sell "biodegradable paint only at fadilty. K. Concessionaire shall have adequate and trained employees on staff during operating hours. L. Concessionaire shall operate course in a manner that sebsfies Ocoupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) and safety regulations. M. Concessionaire shall b r responsible for providing security cameras and security service. to prevent break-ins and lose of property, aubject W prior City approval. N. Conceeaianatre shall dismiss of paintball materials and clean course area daily. O. Concessionaire shall place poles and herring in course area upon approval by Parks, After - School, Recreation & Community Services (PARCS) management. P. Concessionaire shall ba responsible for the cost of removing the poles at the end of the Agreement. O. Concessionaire shall take all necessary safety precautions to protect both spectator and Participants. R. Concessionaire shall provide PARCS staff with a maintenance plan before opening that includes, but is not ini ed ip the following: a) Concessionaire shall provide the remove unexploded palntballs and paintball casings daily, Ii Water to surface dairy to dilute paint to mammize peculation. S. Concessionaire shall allow after school program participants to use facility at a discounted or reduced rate agreeable to PARCS. T. Concessionaire shall provide paimball equipment rentals to public. J. Concessionaire shall ensure that all compressed oxygen (CO2) tanks are properly serviced and stored. V. Concessionaire's scan shall arrend Me PARCSfirst aid and saferytreining mum. W. Concessimalre shall be responsible for any equipment and/or supplies left on park site. S. Qblioations of the Fresno — PARCS The City of Fresno-PARCS h II bear no cost or ii underr in relation including without limitation A. The City shall not be responsible for the disposal of combats. poles or any other equipment used for the mum. B. The CRY shall not be held liable for any personal Injuries, property damage or bis due to their, water damage or accidents. C. The City shall not be responsible for any utility costs armor charges. D. The City shall not be responsible for any Ini of Concessionaire to access/use the Basin, in whole or pain Including any direcVcrosequentlal damages resulting therefrom. E. The City and Department of Public Unitas (DPU) staff will monitor the maintenance of the facility by Mavmum Painlball to ensure bet ell OSHA, Maintenance and Safety requirements and regulations are being followed. 6. Pricing And Fees snuff$3R� (1) Fees charged by Concessionaire shall be established by Concessionaire subject to prior approval of the PARCS Director, consistent with controlling law. (2) Concessionaire shall provide to PARCS Director in writing a current price schedule for approval thereby prior to Implementationgaunch of the program or W any pricing changes. Concessionaire shall be accessible for customer service Inquiries 24 hours a day. ] days a week. Any questions or complaints regarding the quality of services and/or prices shell be submitted to Concessionaire for Concessionaire's prompt response. At Ne Director's request, Concessionaire shall meet with the City to review any complaints or concerns and to correct any deficiencies promptly. The Director's determination as to quality of operation or services shall be conclusive and curative measures shall be implemented by Concessionaire as expeditiously as possible. (3) Concessionaire shall provide two )2) weekends per calendar year to PARCS for on sponsored events free of charge. (4) Concessionaire shall provide PARCS with an operating schedule for the calendar year within 60 days of the effective date of this Agreement. upeemTrElItInvell A. As consideration for the fights and privileges herein granted, so long as this Agreement shall be in effect Concessionaire shall pay to City a monthly Concession Fees of $500.00 (Annual Guarantee of Six Thousand and NO/100 Dollars ($6,00(1) per Year.) B. Payment. Place W PavmeM: Concessionaire shall pay to Me City momhly, In advance on the first day of each month: A Concession fee In the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) Concessionaire shall pay the City by Me 20"' day of the following month any additional amounts due as a percentage of Groes Revenues for the preceding month. At fees/charpes due to be paid to City by Concessionaire hereunder shall be pal to City at the address shown below or at such other address to which City, by service m written notice upon Concessionaire, may direct Me payment thereof tram time to time doing Me farm hereof. CITY OF FRESNO PARKS, AFTER-SCHOOL. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ATTN: PARCS ACCOUNTING 2326 FRESNO STREET, ROOM 101 FRESNO, CA 93721 C. Late Payment Charier: Should any Installment of Concession fees accruing to City under the provisions of this Agreement not be RECEIVED by City within ten (10) calendar days after such shall be due, a LATE PAYMENT CHARGE EQUAL TO ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT 11.5%) OF THE OVERDUE AMOUNT added Mercer and constraining a part thereof shall be imposed by Cry each and every month until the entire delinquent amount is received by City. 8. Additional Fees Choose and Rentals: Concessionaire shall pay to the City additional fees, charges and rentals in the event of any of the following: A. If the City has paid any sum or sums or has incurretl any obligation or expense for which Concessionaire has agreed to pay or reimburse the Cry, or for which Concessionaire Is otherwise responsible: B. If City Is required or elects M pay any sum or sums or incurs any obligation or elgrense because of the failure, neglect or refusal of Concessionaire to perform or Ntlill any of the promises, terms, conditions or covenants required of It hereunder. C. Concessionaire's obligations pursuant to this section shall include all Interest, cost, damages and penalties allowable by law or contact in conjunction wide such sums so old or expenses so incurred byte City. If billed by City, Concessionaire shall pay City within shiny (30) days following the date of such piling. 9. Records and Reports A. No later Nan the ld1 of each month. Concessionaire shall submit a written report, in a format and detail as approved by Me City, of all Concessionaire's Paintball activity at Me Seen under this Agreement during the preceding calendar month. Such monthly report shall provide the following: (1) A detailed schedule of the number of events or activities each day by category (Public or Private) including all retail transactions, wheMer paid by pre -paid card or credit card, and a0 wholesale connections and or oNenvise provided to PSiniball $eMCB Providers. (2) A monthly summary report that provides the following information for that month: I. Numberofpaimballservicesforeachcategoryincluding: • Numberotpanicipana(pAl tearMpublk) + Number of Tournaments or Special engagements + Amount and type of equipment being rented M. Grass Revenues received from: * Retail sales + Food and beverage sales • Whoasale access • Equipment rental • Critter access/servlcesMrensactions 10. Concessionaire's BUN to Operate Concession A. Within five 15] days of the effective date of this Agreement, Concessionaire shall, at its sole cost and aRrense, commence operatlans of the Concession, Including making any motligcationsltmprovements approved by the City as may be necessary to make Me painlball facilityfunmor 1. B. Any modificationa/mprovements installed by Concessionaire shall be prior approved by the City and installed in accordance with all applicable building cocoa, Unromi Fre Code. ASTM standards, and all Other applicable laws, regulations, and permit requirements, including Mose of the City. C. Removal of Unapproved Palntrall Installation: Any Perri facility repairs, replacements or modifications made without City approval as Optimal herein shall upon written notice by CM be immediately removed/corrected by Concessionaire at Concessionaire's sole expense. 11. Milialladince Of DesonatedEquipment A A. City shall, at be expense, maintain the palling lot and exterior of Paintbell facility in good and sate repair And in a neat, clean, and ordedy condition. B. Concessionaire shall provide PARCS staff with a maintenance plan before opening. 12. Insurance and Indemnification Concessionaire shall procure and maintain at its sole expense the following types and amounts of insurance throughout Me Tenn of INS Agreement, which amounts may be adjusted by Me City from timeto-dme In the future, protecting Concessionaire and City from claims and actions set form in the indemnity provisions of this Agreement. A. General LabIM, Insurance Without Iim i their liability, Concessionaire agrees to carry and keep In fame such insurance with no less than Ona Million Dollars ($1,00 0,000) Combined Single Limit, Or its equivalent, Order Me old form. If Concessionaire caries the new simplified general liability Insurance, Concessionaire agrees to carry all keep in force insurance with the minimum coverages and limits as follows: General Llabilry General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate $1100Q000 Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $110001000 Damage to Premises Rental to You (Any One Fire) $ 10,000 Medirel Expanses Umr (Any One Person) Excluded B. Concessionaire must carry and place on fila in the City office an original signed copy Of Concessionaire's Certificate of Insurance reflecting the following additional limits: Workers' Compensation insurance as required under Me California Labor Code, Sam a her (10) day winter Notice of Cancellation and a waiver of subrogaton clause in favor of City. C. Concessionaire's policy covering the said insurance shall be issued by a company doing business in the State of Callornla all countersigned by a California agent and approved by the City of Fresrro Risk Management Department, and shall not be subject to rancallatron or change until after Mlny (30) days will Mice shell have been given to Cry. A CerMlcate M Insurance, reflecting me above and naming the City of Fresno, as addidpdaf(y insured, shall N defivereci t0 City by Concessionaire In advance of the date of occupancy as established herein. O. All insurance polices shall contain a standard cross -liability provision and shall stipulate that no insurance held by City will be called upon to contribute to a loss covered thereunder. City shall have no liability for any premiums charged for such coverage, and the induslon of City as an additional insured is not intended to, and shall not, make City a partner or joint venturer win Concessionaire in Conceseionaire's operations. Such policies shall also insure Cond s n nalre against the risks to which a is exposed as Me Concessionaire of the business authorized under Nis Agreement, and shall be for full coverage with any deductibles ardlor retentions subject M approval by Cay and shall contain provisions on the part of the respective insurers WoMng the right of such insurers to subrogation. E. The City reserves the right to periodically review the insurenoa provisions stated herein as to the amount of coverage, new types of insurance and new terms (such as combined single limit coverage). If such review indicates that the Concessionaires insurance coverage is below Me recommended minimum of the Risk Management Department, the City reserves the right to modify the Insurance coverage under this Agreement. F. Mdemngicanto : Concessionaire shall indemnity, hold harmless, and defend City and each M its officials, officers, members, employees, volunteers, and agents from any and all loss, liability, fines, wastes, foddNres, costs, and damages (whether In contract, ton, or strict liability, including but not limited to personal Injury, death at any time and property damage) incurred by City, Concessionaire or any other person, and from any and all claims, demands and actions In law or equity (including aaorni fees and litigation expenses), arising or alleged to have arisen directly or indirectly out of performance of this Agreement. Concessionaire's obligations under to preceding sentence shall apply regardless d whether City or any of as officers, officials, members, employees, volunteers, or agents are actively or passively negligent, but shall not apply M any loss, liability, fines, penal ies, forfeitures, costs, or damages mused solely by the active negligence or by the willful misconduct of City. The prolusions of this Sodium shell Survive the expiration or early termination d this Agreement. G. Exemption d CM: Concessionaire hereby specifically warrants, covenants and agrees Chet City SHALL NOT be liable for injury to Concessionaire's business or any loss of imams therefrom or for damage to the goods, wares, merchandise or other property located in, upon or about the Basin authority hereof, whether belonging to Concessionaire, or Concessionaire's employees, customers, agents, contractors, sub -contractors, tenant, sub lessee of Concessionaire, or any other person whomsoever, NOR shall CM be false for any injury to Me person of Concessionaire or Concessionaire's employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, tenants, su"wees, customers, or invitees, whether or not Said damage or injury is mused by or results from fire, steam, dectocly, gas, water or rain, or from the leakage, breakage, obstruction or other defects of pipes, sprinklers, wires, appliances, plumbing, air conditioning or lighting fixtures, or from any other cause, whether or not Me said damage or injury results from conditions arising In or on any pad or all of Me Basin In or on any of Me improvementedacllifies appurtenant thereto located Mersin or Merson, or from other sources or places, and regardless of whether or not the cause of such damage or injury or the means of repairing the same is Inaccessible to Concessionaire. Concessionaire also covenants and agrees that C',y shall no be liable for any damages arising from any ad or neglect on the pert of any third parties. 13. Additional Termination Rights of Crov If, at any time during the farm of Mie Agreement, Concessionaire volumumly or involuntarily soaks protection under federal bankruptcy laws, such shall be a material default by Concessionaire ant this Agreement shall be subject to immediate revocation by City upon three (3) days advance written notice to such effect upon Concessionaire, in which event, MIS Agreement shall terminated and at an end as of Me time and date set forth within the notice. In the event this Agreement shall be terminated by City pursuant to the provisions of this section, Concessionaire shall remove all of its personal property from the Basin and peacefully vacate and surrender mid premises back to City not later Man the revocation time and data specified word Citys rodke. Termination of this Agreement by City under the provisions of this section shell not be construed as a walver of any claim Dry may have against Concessionaire for such failure or for any other failure to carbon, keep or observe the same or any other terms, covenants, conditions, warranties, agreements, or provisions of Mie Agreement 14. Assicnment The Concessionaire shall not bidder or assign Mis Agreement, of any par hereof, or Interest herein, except who Me prior written approval of Me City and subject to whatever limitations and conditions that may he required by City. Any other attempted transfer or assignment shall be void and shall confer no nghts upon any thiM person. No assignment shall relieve the Concessionaire of any obligation under this Agreement unless otherwise agreed by the City. NohxiMstanding Me foregoing, the section shall not be Interpreted to preclude the assignment of this Agreement to Concessionaire's ultimate parent, a wholly owned subsidiary of Concessionaire, or a succsssor by merger, t such parent suosldlery, or successor by merger assumes all rights and obligations of tho Agreement. Written notice of such assumption shall be provided to the Cly by Me parent, subsidiary, or successor by merger not lase than thirty (3d) days pow to the effective date of such assignment. 15. Government Requirements A. Nondiscrimination (1) Concessionaire hereby agrees to comply with the following requirements as they pertain to Concessionaire's operations from Basin. (a) Concessionaire for Most, is heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a pad of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree that Concessionaire shall mention and operate Me the Basin in compliance with apoicabte rules and regulations and as mid regulation may be amended. (b) Concessionaire for good, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a par of Me consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree that (1) no person on Me basis of race, creed, coil sax, national origin, ancestry, age or handicap shall be excluded from participation in denied the benefits of, or be oMervdse subjected to discrimination In the use of said facilities. (2) Mat In Me construction 0 any Improvements on, over, or under such land and the fumishing of services thereon, no person an Me basis of race, creed cobq sex, national origin, ancestry, age or handicap shall be excluded from participation In, denied the benefits of, or other wise ba subjected to discrimination, and (3) that Concessionaire shall use Me Concession and the Designated Use Area in compliance will all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to applicable rules and regulations and as said regulation may be amended. (c) In Me even of breach of the nondiscrimination covenants contained herein, City shall have Me right to terminate this Agreement and the concession and use rights granted thereunder Immediately by written notice. B. Basin SafeMSenur'N (1) Concessionaire shall observe all governmental safety/security requirements, applicable parts, as the same may be from time -to -time amended, which will be furnished to Concessionaire as approved by the California Sate Legislation, and to take such steps as may be necessary or directed by City to ensure that employees, Inoses, and guests observe these requirements. (2) If City intcurs any fines andlor penalties imposed by any governmental agency, Mather federal, slate, or IoW agency, or any expanse in enfordng Me regulations, as a result of the acts or omissions of Concessionaire, Concessionaire agrees M pay and/or reimburse all such costs and expense. Concessionaire further agrees to realty any security deficiency as may be determined as such by City or Me any governmental agency. City reserves the right to take whatever action necessary to rectify any security deficiency, in Me event Concessionaire falls M remedy the security deficiency. (3) Concessionaire understands that Me Basin Is part of the remedy for the Fresno Sanitary LanMill. Concessionaire agrees that Me primary use of the Basin is storm drainage, and Concessionaire's use of the Basin is secondary. When the Basin is needed for storm drainage, Concessionaire shall remove all of its movable improvements, fixtures and property from Me Basin. B-� IT, fliw• ..1I A. Comole nts: Concessionaire shall respond in writing to all written complaints or inquiries made by customers)[he public as provided In this Agreement. Concessionaire shell furnish Me CM with copies of all such correspondence received by Concessionaire and all responses issued by Concessionaire. B. Chances in Hours of O ti : Concessionaire shall provide PARCS With fourteen [14] days notice before changing scheduled operations. C. Quality d Price'Control- In entering into this Agreement Concessionaire acknowledges City's desire and obligation to provide Me general public and the Starts Park users with high quality services, mmpaable in price and quality M similar services offered in other Chies. Concessionaire shall clearly provide accurate information on fees for all public and private Palntball services. D. Credit Card : At all times during the term of this Permit, Concessionaire shall accept as payment for services at least one of Me following major crectt cards: American Dpress, MesterCharge, VISA, DiscoverMows. E. Cdv Employees: Concessionaire Mail not during Me Term of this Agreement, hire or employ, on either a full time or part time basis. parson or persons so long as such person shall be employed by the City. F. NoN�: Any notice or other communication to City or Concessionaire pursuant hereto shell be deemed validly given, servicetl or delivered upon deposit In Me United Slates mail, cafXied and with proper postage and fees prepaid, addressed to City or Concessionaire, respectively, at the addresses herekraher shown or at Me address hereafter sIcedhed in wrong. (1) Director of Parks, Attar -School, Recreation and Community Services 23H Fresno Street, Root 101 Fresno, CA 93721 Telephone: (559)621-2900 (2) Maximum Painiball, Inc. AM.: Thomas G. Sharp 4743 N. Blackstone Avenue Telephone: (559)222-3814 Facsimile: (659)222-OB80 G. Rules and q a Concessionaire shall observe and obey and require Rs officers, employees, agents and invitees to obey are observe the duly enacted and lawful rules and regulations of the City, and the duly enacted and lawful miss and regulations now in existence or hereafter promulgated by City, or by any other local, state or federal agency of competent Jurisdiction. Concessionaire shall comply with all federal, state and municipal laws, regulations antl ordinances, including all promulgated which may apply to the operations of Concessionaire at the Basin. H. Permits Ccenses A'Is II - F : The Concessionaire shall Pay all taxes, Including ad valorem taxes, permit fees, license fees, and assessments lawfully tested or assessed upon Me Concessionaire and upon which Concessionaire is legairy responsible for Paying. Concessionaire agrees to secure all such coma a and licenses. Failure fo pay said taxes and/or fees shall be considered an evem of default under the terms M Mie Permit. Nothing within this Section shag be deemed to limit any of Cmcessionase's rights to appeal any such levies and/or assessments in accordance ytlM the rules, regulations, laws. statutes, or ordinances governing the appeal process of Me taxing authoriry(iiii making such lower and/or assessments I. Nothing in Mis Agreement generally shall be continued as any kind of warranty or guarantee that Me City will issue, grant or secure any permits, licenses or other documents necessary to burl the use auMmust! herein. Concessionaire shall he solely responsible for securing any and all necessary and appropriate licenses and other documents necessary to permit the authorized use. J. Invalid Prov s o s. The provisions of this Agreement are severable. In Me event any term, covenant, condition or provislon of this Agreement, or the application thereof M any person, angry, or circumstance, shall to any extent be held by a mud of competent junsdletion to be Invalq, mid or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms, covenants, conditions or provisions of this Agreement, or Me application thereof to any person, final or circumstance, shall remain in lull force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or Invalidated, provided that such invalidity, voiding or unenformabllity of such covenant, condition mr prova ton does no materially prejudice either party In its respective rights and obligations contained in Me Man remaining vaM covenants, conditions or provisions of this Agreement. K. Attorney's Fees: If either party is required to commence any processing or legal action to entorm or interpret any tens, common or condition of this Agreement, Me prevailing party any aaxyr F rot pmeeM MMs nrb r a wuu w xMi emwrv. w, X mrit N'babow ion ar ercmaa,ue W mh rat Privertyx4nd W`UWvr%xwWaein lxar� thy In w inseam rhie b Mil lM ma Cm N Frani Lnw,),ea envibywynlmaonmm try bownor ali to Nu, rims w,rxnon amn uman. wm, rumor a'y` wr2nM1. flWarm. Wnfbi caa w obb'" lorehe Nywx N6 wrmn. Carxviry Le. by IW sR^aNrea hervi c�a ala aora cox Mo- m na woanre rix Pennn. Co„ree.wni vi moxa•apyhmmnmam a .alxx F...W cowN.e.aWn.nrsm lama oT.rappmyrere mane bwawwanra c'ny Ca mn"mairm o,ap inwarm of tory Eneribis,m(L.ea.Wylre. Nil ug Wmpla..nbrealm. horn mun in such proceeding or action shall be entitled to recover from the other party its reasonable ahpmey's fees and legal expenses in addition to any other relief to which such part' may be entitled. LxJ xhibpg: Each exhibit and attachment referenced in the Agreement is, by Me reference, incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. M. Precede f DMuMents In the event of any conflict between the body of this Agreement and any Exhibit or Attachment hereto, the terms and conditions of the hotly of this Agreement shall control and take precedence over Me terms and conditions expressed within Me Exhibit or Attachment. Furbermore, any terms or coralcontained wkhin any Exhibit any or Attachment hereto which purport mortify the allocation of risk between the parties, provided for WMln the body of this Agreement shall be null and void. N. Cumulabve R etl' : NO remedy or election hereunder shall be deemed exclusive but shall, wherever possible, be cumulative each all other remedies at law or In equity. O. Waver The waiver by either party of a breach by Me other of any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach of either the same or a different provision of this Agreement. P. Govemno_-aw and yl/=: This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of Me State of California, venue for purposes of the filing of any case, controversy or Proceeding regarding the enforcement or interpretation of this Permit and any rights and duties hereunder shall be Fresno County, Celbomia. O. Acknoeedoment WConcessionaire By its signaome(s) hereunto affixed. Concessionaire expressly acknowledges MatConcessionaire clearly understands that neither this Agreement, itself, nor the issuance of this Agreement by CRY to Concessionaire nor acceptance of this Agreement by Concessionaire constitutes, In any way whatsoever, any Agreement by or on behalf of City M enter Into any fudhedother Agreement, permit, lease, or other arrangement of any type whatsoever, beyond Me term of or In addition to this Agreement. R. Interpretation: The partes acknowledge that chis Agreement in its final form a Me result of Me combinetl efforts of the parties and and, should any provision of this Agreement be found to be ambiguous in any way, such ambiguity shall not be resolved by construing this Agreement In favor or against any parry, but rather by construing the terms in accordance with Melr generally accepted meaning. S. Final Agreement: Each parry acknowledges Mat May have read and full/ understand Me contents of this Agreement. This Agreement arta any documents, Instruments am materials referenced and incorporated herein represents the entire and Integrated Agreement between the parties with rasped to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or Agreements, either written or oral. T. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterpane and any Party may execute any counterpart, each of which when executed and delivered will be deemed to be an original and all of which counterparts taken together will be deemed to be but one and the same Instrument. The execution of tris Agreement by any party hereto will not become effective UMI counterparts hereof have been executed by all parties hereto. U thtlerRndam Contractor. Concessionaire is and Mroughout this Agreement shall be an 11 independent contractor and not an employee, partner or agent of rhe City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, mid ponies have executed these presents to be duly executed by their pro r oflcers thereunto authorized, and corporate seals affixed this 11.. r:&i day of cam, 2008. CT' OF FRESNO BY: 4L,/ "RANDA L. CCOPEFK Director of Parke, After -Scholl, Recreation am Communhy Serres Address for Notice: City of Fresno, PARCS 2623 Fresno Street, Room 101 Fresno, Ca 93721 APPROVED AS TO FORM JAMES SANCHEZ City Attorney City of Ffesno K" O 9tv Deputy ATTEST REBECCA A. XLISCH City CleM Si � BY E✓ (Deputy) C4ks-/Pr EXHIBITW Basin DescriPh0oUegcson EXHIBIT -B" Concessionaire§Proposal MNOMOUMM7PildNTBALLL,, INC BY Name: Ttamas�/ The: resident % N e: ( I secretary Address for Notice: MAXIMUM PAINTBALL 47Q N. Blackstone Avenue Fresnm, CA 93726 (559)222-0866 q.11 -1. l � __ � —_a.--� __ 1 1 _ a • , �-�— 3 � �.� � . �� � � � ti.,,..� D �� � aC S i ? K -� _I lir a • , �-�— 3 � �.� � . �� � � � ti.,,..� D �� � aC S i ? r_J,II TI I- IT' 17 ria t7a pge�llcirg 4!r[i/e rZwl rues 4943 N. BIacA [ooe Aw uo. Calporoia 9986 rmey IP _vyp M9I2=3 14 Fax (559)222-0860 Prn�.cal dcM1arp]®trallutlge.mm Lkwdtr,. II' opryecrntt PMO vp"I IZ m4 nrry uP^dm yryllnmrhP(eL/mflennnrdmRP%runlr�uPgA YAr MO/Ml'."W rFv'a v,, will/IMrn/xmRm mR+^lrer8: / TAn.rvl y,ptinrMllad MelxreivjwnpuurrfpllfxrLvvrReFlimlSryu PvrL /! gmrnuvviw oJu paivMll l'wA -The rr„nrLo/l cmn,.. Carmryiry yr'I/v Pe M, untlemv,e egvP�^enl r'.rl., n,a.vnri.R /rrvr..rm�mtl0..,r;m*Plan, Rhu'movlvMGngarmrr f'6rr Gaµwvl P/rm (nmT ,Fm,Plus �+�✓w TrMe Fwme /pbx ye ea4Moq Sen cm Jnworce� /11 path Oenoynu -ri<rMv.mtl.SpaeNum �h S'em Aln/ve "Z atil Cow ur MSN'urtv14// Sewn PmvbllCm� MS'iy'WtmBaWlharr Ne4m PdnµW(L'mywv� /r.-MMmw Paivhnll Tu11 (rsn Pn,m pa)gen Fiwregl� FreNLrw,rtenr OpwrtmNCwtr Pratl Lm.4euvev -arl,arw.. TMty.,x,/ lor..rvn.lnewunnx arvvNuw Tm In Sr p /'re.,yhnr Mwrmrm l+tinrMJl3urpry lrrr EXMBrra l Slrt npmm(µanlAnllnMdr.M,rpa'u/toxnpe/wrn(Mll,pMam Feelaml5yr✓vPnrF nfm mrmr Pa,ammu mwl am ohl", h.m I.., .aPn/mr„e=vmmmna perc.„rt rnr, rraaldmmwaaermr ,cele nmed Pyra„a,rairc.aulea vhl nr” w ,mWnMwmrm mplvw„ llme,lh: uhenftepmalhj,rt"i /'ukwm,yyRvmdlu vy x'x M1q/nnwehmdr/ir. Yb,wne Th, M,i ,m, xlaq, I'Mjl4rullmvMxti,.nxal mll- impvnr,A TM1x Pod'vnvrd rtiv]v rvNlY�lrnxre✓Am $nlmnlwn ,vi ml am/„y/rrm y.a,<Irlw,u„rra,ar,r�vl,a,r,a,rMn,,.�a„AAo-,W nn m./a,empr,4wmhewmm. eamL,aRgWlarca,aamha„R-! q•' r,.r,m ar�evarmAaneampq,M� wM1G wdru mpvlh n, I, rhe pial" maelrv, ihu cul,r1d, l th, ewrWrrrsnao- UuhruoFr x...a.... TMplmer..r(b IFhw rbe 4 a rtr V rhy will ee drfflm a.rwimenaplao,. /r1 e, f Me,ekarr, 1, wlb v vplaee Mnhuvn MrrgAn/am/!y. A/munwr PVlm6Nlnm6r to dare&gapnrfem-mvl/v rm,r fdm lrcro. ('unen/h'. we ImePtymge ylavA q',elra'em. aw,slanry', gtlprje„xxvhm. I'mnrMl//r.L,ev,rvn,Aok/ael.: •PamMall r, PWwM mart Ikn IN myµla, •Tb;mbullr P v,a rtnemluml Mdbya wll,v apreJnxnmW •AnlMapeMmllvuwnv eem/ury by axdyvinWll� dyarRyf ylwbnR. Aretdl.yWluaabm/nwrraMre Mary '.ViATA/nhm,/iqul,ryrNamgrrR Pev6W /rlrn/wrm fn /➢4R IIM ,ru we hw martwaee^Arfelw)1,M fI )llJm/ld,w9J,/.A78% mru lrcrtn,e. •Tllertart apPrmlmmgr. r)J lrwenrsr, v,uavvmlranelana. pmR.mn •rlmza,'. app,m,mmeym?rwvlpam,Rmm.,Rd;n ua u.s. xmm mmxh •NrmrMrrfpbµr"wlawlh: IL,IpJ.Mtl r TAv q.,n dpb„rovuvrwnr Mn,!-rorx,w,.lwnxmnfrlm,lfrg,w.mnyd'u Pmx naaman lr .mmr„anar„ Ihr eAaJnaw,� ' mxdr mmerhullrrwhry MnlpLupamea IN' MIS" Illeptuae mrd,ml"Aal ppmMme a)"I/olN/fl mnp,,a-ool. limM,2mgmx,mdam Rw....FaB nvmlmr,hlrvM1VlreirymTlrc spvl rc4urmlIIni,, i, ri,epurnly,IW..g,,Prmnnrr 4iaPunrl6ali,,,rWIN .sonpr'Pie (1Mrclamrn,dI&IIJI m „rr r.ra,lrrr.nnwnm eIJe.gm„ xamr=o•, rolsmlm,w, a.,mram'.N'" el, exA/rroamam er/r, m%rm%, Aprrg,rmvMmg flN,o,agOrB. m' m,lxrp(r hu Ihelru, prmrnuMmp (k4nNLp m 1/'oer ylNd.ar,plm', rhr morn, ma.'aryv,,.,rll.l br.,ggmm aml,oe'IN aMP�mdnB]++u'Adr mre(NIM.x, G.,µ. mrrdJ d.oW,lreonl.8ew wllr. n m.,,,lrw,nsmm. NN T I ,rAa,. adrc,wfrnr „✓✓ c„Yalr, ]hu6,lrulxmrrmprv4m,Yr„n y'pmnrfmllegrrmmmn. UI/mlllewlgo l,,, e dengrIldmmee,n„r.I rMmlp"ImMani, oadprw"I ,,, ,mrc u,dr rv¢ nrvmr.m ei allwllemr'rrs 49 Affe , 41"'W g,INm N.rrve Ponr%,w Pn4Yewumrgr xieelr in p,� m, pke.Marbr, rq. bePmryaeam, SMW ft u. le'lrmb�wal II Me •qw wr,rnr Pie'l mn,VrndyIN, �9:OOWlmr,m. w mI... vl hlxw,hvr 4$15 wdam mwpru,e YM nl el/ IAe ryam m' Mvl Ah'PNI q be,IwmTo IYlp,rmbalL nu uroV lM ,imrlrrmM ,mormm/ra'e (C,v AaVp,""W,fJe ejlrMAing llnVvimdal// Mr nunvl d o^Pre.,ssdaml eVr6 eeUNI2499907 hieN bn¢nmrPrvggwr A'irv8mm..Vlder Sxm rtmild12J9.99 rtroilYAR99 P2rmnapJGv ➢npe„fprvpellm PamrM'f~leepe„were Anu lap-oprl tYe p,ImEyrlrnvu'✓ mrnan v Cot mdCmprv,W.9in Tvµerm,%rI bII99/ a m Cn3la 1:+9.➢9 (m an A4l J500 PV CgapraxJAvlmk Pnlm 14 Apolnlb//4 o vqj M,mxNwedgrbnn rop,m4 w.M rMaedl.gwdrarNe. ,Pmm„MdiotlLeeme'lllaoahla4r8a„ed? vlwbwmGr [op.if Net” k,wh"mI"IP IN.rm T,Aew/I,(wI mlnvdlehlvaeamn,a.taqylr q,Ja,.ever, raM4,,,AAmwe wr mrl„m,mmew,e r,re.,,errw I lh.new.... e am„ry am„Ime„I ll, wdiAme m.Pdm.,rm nprve,yryla. I APPF$egrd.11w, ier fieIv IR mlaem m..AA, 411. peN lm,I rvmr drvnlmrmr NPPj. fide, r nlee, vruP„anee llv,I m,,,Lv ]r. moIV,, xPl,LpAi I nrvnWry. m„rri nmmedxm.,..ml to rPPL,.%Ajcmnr4ul onl.lmr. �lew r.k. /n cmmpee mv.rmmu m,andam.y. 1'nm Vln�m YeeGMil euv IYr1lul Llleldr ull anwi rM vwJd Miran rellmearo SPII�Il 4 hm,4"l u.'d..m I,rm,.p"o am nm� a.pIr"JrbrummnIm,amim q'AuP&I (w/ro 6Idl, Imewmrtk (rvWpm mugddnem In mope Y/erv(n.•(,i Mm a&. PAe M1miMndnedmlMee %reldinvpnma,H D.,o Gunk,.. JFi.,V, Nn dheoure �m,I,,,nre,go"I InrdAlki lah MIOm, I llgf6iwn: e.,nmmr„I„m„ ” �/mmme. IVd Illmd d,,,. Ifunmpnmmrem mM emm.mWeel TMa MlrmelWemdmpi, m4YM1, llv,rv/IFwI Ay" ierp, Vd, ,IV MI.abVV&I vie rrrc bpme r^I,mIWn u. mOWvv Viiµ mepn htq nlmn Mli.prm„r ryyAr.ay..e all fmreeruv.oae b. m,m..ef, 1Wbl PWnmMv,,q, 16nn,wh re rve ah, I. xs xml. , APeofpw,s WI, ewle bMe o "a III Iu....... phmm pyee 0..RMue yr. M'D,u,wyrbnpngen VV` ,IM1liAIP%M•• rrme,mtln'rwNl,mvuar lM le^SrM1 m"me H,m sou ., IINPo. rl...,rv.mr.�,m me m.mm•;rrymr„m we]r,�,I ,km�lw,,. r.M m.wls.0 qm. emekmev..y,I xz�,.In+,.x l,.,,,n•.. IM a rrurle, orrNo-..n rmF /m.xler.kpMrpau nrn Ae raed m.wehmlm.p,.ym,%.w,p.,r,e, Mdnmae.,,„m,arWmlm w.rt.. W.mr p,4e vi II mrlr the mrvma w'e're ImtirrBl M "mmr PeimMll slnrv.fa m. nnwnl q.{ypyeaame ntl yre km. JPmbmtllLenmrvm ra ee.n,,. � Ive u',n us WHIM eur'.pVdf IM n,,V,of,V uAMl aM will mearauarrnf, elnWm.B Ak- rcer,,.rm„ Huvrwm Hll OrgmoJ ieirce rrPill )VII lVmlu Vw4en arrvl ri/lL�mmm mita xxeFalpmmY envr[z kilo xv/b)x-Lx/e ux hawlrmy bennry YeewrlY x>l)WVmnJrJ k, Wwrlrvll F+nnnlly waJ a, Me l me) amend" wa Th.. nJru. ve nrrJ rtmyery 'n'keewi meJGmrewe hmllme like lh^.a ,, lrrvrre. 'thul Jre/h rllu vi(I lv Ml Fnylmimu ,10,11lro elhe yIDllMll pvd pphom Yin hF r. wrymeJwelonlx umr' mi Xme II'e w/1 be mllirry lwn, pvµreMgeJ/,vdvnlJ n¢h o nmu tlwl lieguewllj"'n PW dnolL J1m,Tmm, nwmanm vmxl 1m,.% mn,l y o" '100I htfgI. ,nxe„I ,rn ,m ,nn„„,,,rt�mr:m,,n a,d,der ow..'m,,.,, rhnre.1101, I . toms /k held Nrx u,ylyner.wb b. vnse ,'x lin,mNl..nnmlh.mwMoinvrA. w,,,xb„lllnk /miNMllf'b+,v+erlFMxP to un mmrn slHere?re,2Me mPLner pnulWinymvmv.l Derr Ll .,ry yNdlpmun., nW nr-1111/. aiyAv JLNrnerm du pnY Pr,mu,.r.SMiY Im�n.,r PVII,A,.v g /S kr '8' 16.:Sh,r, Afnrm%e1111.$,,, N'e+l m aMse fr 10 empir”, %e o rulp ln-:w.rlarl Ml ugrv'enrye, A,rp age lY In nRe:! dtv+qll/dm%m T4mrirw+Prva p. ]l ravgr3A-/mmllea 3;4rl..m nFaM[ury Dm 44 P_flld An Cvidnmun% npe!Rflgr� 1111W /J-flar,g1XIer rm Penmlr (iulO/bFiimvem nye JJ to � il.grna Tevfi ➢%elulAlvrmrmfmnlAxll CummkaymnLlLlier .We'gnnr,nd:.'m w.. eN,mr;R„ d.mnr, nw,em.m, mmwamreol r.mem, A"Smn Yner. Ab S Gror R'mnF ➢umevr Dnalyvmem mrdlimarli f"ofrrr„xml:fae.nfIrgee,mle D"Jereg diel nfyIt We, the refmIr yrl yeAvee vxMv Swne mxlurcm,.ti4u N'mm�h. n%r,y lF fg gcl "'defer PoeAirg ryelun,nr M,ffial M'e+rrrn GMEfii,h Gr„xer. meludxiSa i➢N^8 ed Mn If g, lmlP,..Wnrrn.x,,,.lro, nf„z,flhe Ae„p,mrl„Il...e, '1x1.1 t'mn/rreFhmpt Cenlf„d xm Mmp.rq mv. ^'w�Mib+mtll+horvnny hr PmnlMll}hld Rn rr hx'Fv µrvl Ynanm4l el f.ter ,*lh, lwfm L,gr&ee'(Pw vemxonnl LngGyee Ti'anny. .Crrleme ATmugrmml amne C,nymuw Evx.1 /u,upr Ihbbu.A"(wnerl Pmed,ba: ngrryln,yel]-Mangroj3 )ery.,m Ali/I lAlievvaN -V -24 m1% ]a. M.n}er M&rW,MvefH'wld Pn 9me aRe $wogr 3l�MmngrnJPer Alon l3]"Nftpr1$dv) uye )]b^g !/-Omm�.'Gen. Ng Alrmmum Po;n(bnlf.)1PN+ tmem Rea/mnnA4h.u: an.ieeoma.x%lmee, e;ufwMlB. o.*+dn Pe f and&L.wcry PMitry lfaAi,µ.. 411 Isem,. e'Irwp m ... re. rm rvn Rmryxn.Liltl...... f d.herttnn4 mrJ,11", Aemg Lniplmar TmYnnx dote¢ Alwvs.runa VPemrmnllmmRer P IAvnmMLl.T.pnlulmnl r. C^aU;ed Tbr II'tsMpl,i, rtP..mM, rnenAwenrox by rl,/w:fer"I 1W Hixh f',,I q.nxmrlmun� mddeenkdµilWu Rnued mlvJmn .460 fV0 Wf,rn mSI JIeI ow by 5t0 rww u,. b..rnm 6m, n„ er,.ol„rer.m n,„rplpae, until I'm, .,I d'elTln..gb, von mnrA.rrnR andpi trd01� el/Pr�apmsrbrllov R✓;rµ�nnd!.il�-n y nl..Lby 10 PW.... 11n YrW.i lmmxnaun1 b(IIT�nn ma Wfia..IlreAlnw Aunm rml.lbmxn (/i.11 e I plM+axpamieall! S,.w"mahelldae,..laP me.sam.rdxe avn..mo-nMaaper ptmlwn�.a ra eq dalm n.epalMmnname/v _upan"'+xea lhr Feta'ObgretI�tl~PmMI++II FbW pyerAMll mW v.Nvlelll rarrprinPlar9 20 wma Wf Hemu Am,,brr AArvn ((Il pme. FSC.1u 10 Wilhm/ 4", Pbprrx pinebrll! S�mmn, rµ teymreme 4mvO Calvert �m 13 pan ki4 ,ll)mro PaeVipeVanaunr Alvnoger (Fall loon FYY,IWMI F}�pnnq revprnmlyplGmaf(pvbtyu,rgymhmnr t.grna mtlnnhrpylm .+gmwna fia�relrSge 1.irwn W/rmr Teha.Avp Svbr (pan fiwePSWM4ml Sp[mlN i, ddvValmq..m and m4mpbyer N}vhrrim(ebon TeM ,Allrp fe]aml Campg,aetlA/n �� Ako c,x, p,,,, lm.wib�n,d✓,m. Nnf^mnxlr/n W((W mnl++l M+Inrguµ Gir. +mrb,.nr✓mvh mmrnemagry Ir/nrn AXnmv brmr fimSnM1' a 1✓n ((+rll nmol II bL m L, M Y.rnmquln,Mxohll Mq.'�m✓6@npw✓ Ram le',.r+r,.n✓r rux,,..amrr+m rmr.rpn rxn..»+rx „mro m..r„m„.+ ,..a„ry IJauvudfill, ,Lw,WI .F. Msgw!%I1/0.S MIh”I.m” 9"A nmpww VumrmmPmxdu/ ApSp¢e. @algrmr /'ar ,uM Slwa'rlJcr "rn/nlmtA/M1 wa eery'n miee.11kl Plrywrepe wveto/N 30.rrevwarVvmt lornevmernWrs WerrcA/cpbv,IM nxmbrv'r will d^*"Iu:GYIpAxen pc ueeX uporpwmmlep' JJ,pemlw.r. IAry mpmm.Im,L'mvlwAWw rRmx'v)nlmu,f pmlMll Hr4/r WIMmipalreAp.ln wole me /[ilrmembnn neGudn'w !n/n2nfl Ordemgvvylrvv in IxGe l'In lM1 vem'MApG¢mrrUl/� rill rnen�/wM ycwlum up/m,]m. Mmnk nnvxdlan¢ On INu wAe, hnrx! w henv wnm mtlmwHers wMonv,lA(m nohhwbndrvN,ker mw licppdeena/.nnraA,m m m r then ewwApra ry,pou „w ml,/»'n m J�e,,mx'KJVWrmlmu,mA/,,.rli r,v,.ulnex ,{ekaHen wJzagx,A,m arom, I„me.,.h/ch Ixereme'} mm. e lMeue 1) Them wewure/,.,xmleeA,r m, m/he^,WmefbrYPO n Rrml vnnxgeprvrx(wn McYnm.,. Iff Owry)xlw/(!eW»wle,vnxjv mum'MMv gannb/nn llwl Ylyr..,.lww xe,wl,=uHxxB,W,. nt ' iAla,.v.,mw<hmn... ,IVSpgrvex Ibm mwld Fe,rNxl[p Hpr 86•u(uemna fplhnrnn. Omvlr(Il &e, hlv l4nrovn8'nr(vyu rWjm mx,NMrc,nrcrnl I,,",enl(,e%H la ehrw"pimga lvuyea jnpr,Ahm Plq,n /mre. wv: glygrldkreP llrc,gurre, gtig Wa Mve ,nmk lr.uYenHlY dllR mnvn Je,r'vcdv ruMl,/aXe,bbeeYTwr, ofrlevmrvpuiuA r.dmrin. rev -7 i'n/en rlrw .11, Mmol ,w,u/ v/rnq�nmurunomnm PomlbNl. .SoprW m6N,r/nl" Imtied¢,eryir Aen(-v rnprwr. ilre rµrel mlrvvw I_ ulu Mabulnll GrW rr l ftvrt[blrckn8 dean mrul L. vnr lM1nymn l/rDn n lAe (rN mellMirr wrM1u(rlrire rrrx:RmmAer r Pbu/ -unbwe¢nrppedllxmrvnmlmmA kcmnrna`err.m M. (r.lA Tuu.a%xn mnnx'lr rrwrcrM1mrllml. mrrya.xmr„rrra.. nr„,e u• �nrr. mrxr,,,,r.rrrn, ��^ filbrrx r” folllrstllnemcUAI ImdHn mmrrnNi nuerdeap.,reddl.r rk, roil „vr,nrlr,emvrrm.:m.,mArn n;,ry,l„eesa.,x;n uueerofne„/dsHl,�=tt wrumw Pmrmrell.,�.vn.,l,ma Fl LvIbgvbe.f RrrAben RyrNOver lllrm... 'll ielmmk(wyewyn- r!e lue EmPLyer Y r mnymmlxm Lrmmnnn tn. rymr WM1nrerue ro IN PWrc4o lneedvva mm', lmouera. "n Fvmlbl,,kw hveeemnllWlnrquna luog�M1rinrn uur xm lrMae. a nyrr m Ibe duel. .94F lm9Nnm mmrAloeawmamxnlx�mexm.lmnl mw.m lMkyw 110Ild Nna pJRuu /gh,, Sir ln(bedn 'wremw^r'al-al mldmem rnen lAgvmPeumurlo4 mMu/Fle fm*�N fn o-0tillmlo sL kNpngm obvMln ye mAfmlmmn Pa wl.e r+wN de rp4q dvlubdpllaea entemlrgg: Sokav Sg v4? mlllmwlNTHN N” ••B.WtELH1(:A'RLPV/RE'D MJ.WLl�TINfi MTHM1. .LWGI" ".S4PY7I'FMS(' IMlv&ft, Nmnyf PI ,,, Rely l.'i% rxrbMlg dle/da. N (Adudnlm.Mvrq(/ieW.rmvrN and dleprnM.eM1mgllnF j ,q,,pmnr lgplmwa. brn"� II'ulAµl plm' Plmxn wr lddrAnx Vq, aImlMnmdNr P)l,mf1uY,N' vtiW wgm;u¢ml. gplufers.aml bre➢ fhe 8w,4.3 km„ 11 mA IM, h. uTull dnv y"/ulnAall La Plu. TF;eaR4are m. hnf ANw xe th/, WMAIe. mwLA hApn1no.laAbn'e,enmB+in lM lerg„e wnne .�w'la.�,,.r,e„/mdr,l rnm..,rr, o. irrldLtpwllmoam N�ew,W.pv+ma'h Mm, w„rer de.nw.,oM+lroll A,,.,l” VI mmleWWle m,Med ro c u RMMM, ?rfAd x'n,W Ar gwped x;lF Me wme F,w 4mmlau n Alnumwl!'a1mMll/. TAM,rrl rmYWen Mr 1,11101. mar{, .IndFA'c1: rwm,ne,. rizmWcmp,rmm.mprm Ili lv unluol Frea,n O.n}an( (os Axle lmk, I'm, wr Mlrynlee Owmdre,I rllhd llmdvd,n Am,.V/A1a'['e?um/uwJ Abe A/lrfmwn VmmMll Ihe/,dd vll( hm' 1/1 opp(pn61, Cfi l Pam➢hL.tr'M`W LompvuedAlr.Lrbxrmlgm,remdmwegpWv, +n/ gTp,egx'lbnf arvin 4lmpam(fee Mo/➢uin(MA�eW.rbrs mdemugh bdl lm6fohnWe Me AemwM N'eT =vier/.k4a OurPrv,5lypNeg;nw mRmA world nr mn'/u'u dny q'pnNllnllA n rc,umn {rmrted Repal,e AAMvgn w lme a ymm�d uvmlaMy IFe Tie(dona ILe E.r, ,we! emns relml.,. AR relnive roOWMeeel f„lmmmr.n. ,o R'e\nI'll Mvw=v c»nu,A wm w(rau1, metlrvr/e nMewpbvha( 'e bve. pamfyll PMmm,Yalervvhlrhnbulydly a 6ix Gm,e' TM.,ulM 4ryeyrt oowlpinrMll e.mfHUin Frt»,. ,en M'e,mNoL1//bu roayplaraanerMly e,eml Ni'ualwma nf@rtd evmla.N+wp wd WlNm D,e�WfpwNAe.rMiuveer/ tlnv 1/ron11rl, tpamndWw.;,m,rdr.el„pl.ln. mar. mu p1mm11pW/en a,re aRnln welm'r w�m,larn lMx e,.m,;n Mr 1111. e.memd„rnl,Wxv IrculfeW.. w n,elwdgµ,,.mdmM.Mp F,nrwAa ylM,nnw.lmwhn,�'Me e,.nl. a W„/,,,,,,eq weNul e4 nglwulPoimAdl ri,eWv�M Fnmaa,eev/m lacdm/ /Mir e,mn. Nine wry plenuJlbr,w we,e /mM edm dyngAq Ae rwnmR Sepe .1P119 mnnlGrtvi11u4ie.mumNpglwl5➢wu Pmb M4 mmAe, w Our LOevJ R¢�remea W= a BrrrP r: lnc. (Berry Bakery dlnckvlwe Jlllinge shopping Center Iib Ir,,wdsla.Imam PnlnrMlhn ilk, llNdndr I lSboppir{p Cover In l99A Fe yanvenvup/ed woe uPG[rnc KYrs9AnW „pa lased Mnv°rn Any dudwelr ak,rJnw la S.l xlrvs...Ru' rvm needed nm wrr. Tlrev vw vn'A'k Aver.[(dvrvl u aidv rw"AyeevAfernv mnY/+aenldmr we 'J" 1.11k,x BvINY Avnb v(Lmlrmaarlr dv[emvdr wuua'mmuLn.ppn munr'vM�nM!nm^[dru-R�Mvlme�,vbredfrr rrr 9/ ck/roper/r . roam rlwY tvjan „cYrcw n.n Iaym rnbli? w. prcvaav fixvprvrm eve ,, na4mmm mMmnGrq /.n( _ilp e9It Dm mW tlnel,ITI IJ 0 n i aMwe wen Mp/Iv to Av.Ip rrvrlAWe rhrpanz.Jen .. rm..mrv.rwlr .nh zd(eolmmaarYrmenlrhyea/Ih ebpinS [znreFileBell, �An pun[H[kr Sa11a lMsnn angers nrv.,n.D.gpm IngpAm its mdr Co.. a em", it... el pa... rMRen Ar /996. r[pl[W up]raJ iplE umb Nnx nmr[ Millet IlvWyrnr ,, lMmw.lbv m I ]SPe[ waved Tenn L.+d NnunrojWrr[mrPam'vMvrt p+rrMd)n. Sm'r..md C "'I win 9172/ Jol'/ 'olAns privh"nns lr. C.11/m i,m rfFnmai perk. He reWesa/[nNmrrn'nmmmr[rtGnmlhr.ele RlyVYw B HIva Cbmn/[/er mnlanl rrr9ndsrvaw la.dwmllm.r wrlelen,.mmMrWiaedrm weltmryNv[rs Ahem. Yrel/ ern.vm[Ilunu.pu 41, Calh..r Fz.mr CaR(nm 437W '?R6)Ri Petro Se[ur/NievmyaplWNwmunm_ Me nmemY unlin lY[am°[ry Inmp.rtwa/rla pnm4rs_ Arpnnde A4rk A[ °wninm e Aave^R nmgger d Peleo, re[mrly Imml4d m wrrlevxd dglml kid°. rtallo p Mmolnv6^+ami nkpsl.d M ynunJlGler Mm 4augpgpaAnn,&Mert .[hwrnn°n peke... J5wp, Cl"',nnp'vv Clwli Cdpmrin 9]61) 19LlYXI .Servam Mke lMYle Tlv Pulnlbal(Pv(a.mr Pollre Activities League SerBrmxl bWe ie 111-6 nnmr/nrd rn PAL mtl dr arriM bd+lmdrcdM gmpvpram. Artrenf .mmlevny.vuimmwrnar a^rrWgvl[Ny lmoapbk[fi/pmmrppul/la Alii cjrcr/vili°ro4Mrn /m and lMe.[Mupra. ()n✓qr lll/r e/rMelew Me PAL xµparnr Ivre v/[wmgjrurvenls q/rM yruur. ]Iq YasrMY Pdemz. q4 mryYL.d I i0 nI'm%,r ,,npmt 1, w1h rgplie[prw[Aarg TMcmmwpvom un..hnnrum 1'r ok e. d. nN� n)r/v l✓rRml/hn'Ie wrhfeMeJ¢nryme. velrvA/wxvurf In SLnSgIDem. r',MS" i (11Ikni,. J9rD 0] 1&25lll (Jar hltl,a'ryV Nefert rcvP Amerruin Polmdnll sappfv N331nwre V Fmt £rMwnl M' l]5 sM i 103,vuH -503-3Y>SdNI Archon Pam/ lllm, di, nh Grcewplle, .W']Mp] ✓Ww Pa, rvi 64,5x]na 1aw4]S.a]7x !lad Hablrc 1021 17arm Pluce Bwr .. C4 91"" vm/ CRhY-36JAIN R A5'T/x. I ]➢9l'94r l (iniiG (Hdlmxl vl5pl y 1 925 /-9]16]540.W &=[ we fW(rr Gomes. J() IM,Z 3m 5Aeti iii"�UIM 72711 !'emrsv I-MId861.6WJ Cti w Proiiumi J640 M S7 85233 148&33Bw 4 8J]iJ /J80.5)YIBSO / lnl Gun Cm nge 950RmWr & Nr XA 94550 IMM /-M]-s55.J166 Oei'Der Pr Vjiins !pe]MlmmrwSY .c,,,naga. cq 91109 RM 14, 1d5h]IIJ55] AI OYl, Ple,ision lm 17 &1 Aywbw;CI Lkm4Le,6e 1.55N-Sib-Imi hbommures I"U. H,u sj9 nnhwr C! 9i IDV 7 l ng Id26NJ9Ji.i] GenXGeibal Al"/MY6:CaCA 91(116 . iqm, ,fl 91!1(6 1o6 fFiM1.JSYp]J.V Kingman /nlerrmlprMl Carp /iOfOLne GiA AW (bWnn Pat, C1 Y/](b Yk IL;d I30.]3cp MeeiWiw SW9 A"J1 Swm 4 /bse./dym 837/4 SmvC'dllur 1-.MNd:Lf80) MnNey N91h a Gun Pp 921 6]W F'W/x1m, CA 9IS34 LLmrm 14/41213.9211 NanowlPalmball SLppjv, Ilio SMA! 9 Snap NL p .Yerlr i, 1. 34 5615 Naha 10302 ohr si v f SIMa .C'A 97731 1416575.75/5 Pacific Wilderxcr f7/9s S Prd¢C1093/ LJ Ia8JI W, ' Pro Capt[)rrev'f i4mjhn AlarF ufigh,,i rmnall, iM M33 Hn PurmaMwMnng lnc SSHmuJ.lre. Ral'lnrnea'. l/. bLV18 Fr/L Idh»avwp Raaegun UG PikwMwla,CA 921C770SNuu ➢m OmxlmM 1-714 52&n]3 Severe Paintma ViWM Ff ;3C'm/wmfr PaWni d'wersc pL J313 l8p}5496J66 Fdrixd94JO6 Smorl Parn 1WSMm.beel Lmalbwn, P9 /5661 I -ii Ar¢ 1AW99]-Il4] ]Ippmmm Sprvrs. ILC 2955 4d ceu l It omq 1N 46903 Per Fer 1d 53.448311 WDP 417ManS sJ m AI Nm^tismr Nm ,, CA 92N8 mlli m 1-714 Warped Sporn 11919Wen Pim Blwf I Aryeks. CA 9MK1 Glenn Fwww 61121914-9I]] "PH'A 1 XMG' mEXI0@dy VRCSIM rnmro oye mwa� PMo [December e.2 9 M AM PST "ire SMrP• AwGTTIMrMnbai mm> mGrex�tl)rep,GG�..tlG.GEE, ] Anetl,memy. 241 K8 yYp: gtleno, c lo.ngn n may PEOPA, om me uSmRFEA DNA NGaawG HE em..v .a GQDv bugrg® "h HIGH "Al FAMI SHINGONE a vAI TIME lu.e Iwueo wGIGGG:G.mGm aGtl rar���a�' ormoolaa m my Eal w miGA wm nere �. �„ W,�cl.m mem. rlmG afe Cm51G xe IawFn tlNpMwlr "M PXDMGV "'y^EDIT AS �I�a yrye Mp GOP 4mmuYlyl¢m Fvwtlblunw Ybn. a'tlb�tlAm M1lgrtls 9me11Y aMu111etir Cuereaq tliancuglomert eM rrygt Pleeyl�l ireab pailetl np ilpu PAGE Ally W AGEArtl9'DOEHEIME Cera!ENAG DDEDErm Asatc aw mw %e Prede4n, Inc (859)559Sim ext WI Fmgl 4gek®tlagGervAvr mn Maximum Pandidall Supply 4243 N. Blackstone Rve Fresno G, 93226 To Whom It May Camera, I am pl amd to say I have bren Thom and 0ebbk's sales replesentaW¢ for the past eight years. Maximum Poddell Supply has met all of our requirements to qualify Nem as a first rate, Professional, mmmeraal retail paintball stat. Thom has hatl a Pro- shoP wfth a large widdJoP a paintball supplies W service any IYPe of palntball Player far several years. He Carries everything tram entry level equipment designed for the rePPaflopalPlayer all the way to top of tla line high-tech gar for Ne most demeadmi; soman antl Numament players. In our Industry, d Is quite common for the more successful comm oJal operations m have a "dual errgTy" gement with bora a rebil amar store front and ancommercialpaying fleltl. Thom has done Ne requisite researrh N confidently take tle Sep tovards hemming a'dual atfty business. Having Ne combirwtlon of the two would he a great fewthre m help Thom grow his business and it would also Provide the young players In Ne area with a said ewhimmentW agoy the Pope of peinlball. Than staffs his Proshopwith vrell-qualified, safety mnadous, courtePrrs employees at all times W ensure that his customers are liken are aIn a speedy, yet professional manner. Than along with some of his staff pay at a pmfesmaal laud in the sport. B nurnapappos ihormlll I rouds antl ro aorom Me country withal kaop them on the cvttlng edge of exposure m n ^9 mi edrg In all aNe� events, he has gained valuable abetters su¢essYvl that allow him to logistic and business modegles ran his natal score better and they have also helped prepare him for Ne Challenges of operating a commercial playing had and ruhm" his own ava6 as mg. aid We haw hahadnothioN but posibye ezpalemas whN Maximum Par ffaill Supply hoPa tl g s^Ppart May deserve to grow Nelr famlN run business and Marmte tla game of paln[ball. Simcexely, Kevin Drummond zip 12316 Sell Ranh or, 5 WFeSp1r5ar CA.9re0.PPnna%2-2pf-0862•fax 582-20408x1 12-&06 To Wham It May Concem: I am writing Nis letter as a character reference regarding Thom Sharp and his company Maximum Painthall. I have done business with Than for nearly 10 years If not more. I he" supplied Thome More. Maximum Painthall, well equipment and Supplies for the sport of painf Ball. Wer the years Thom has earned my utmost respect with his honesty and integrity. Where one aa.Oem might keep extra product we ship them by mistake Thom has come forward and informed the of Mesa errors and asked us to bill him for them. That Iran is nearly non-existent in our industry. In my 20• years in the industry 1 can Count on a single hand Mose customers Met have been a pleasure to work with 100% of Me time. Thom Sharp would rank number 1 or 2 on that list. If all, well half, of my clientele ware Similar in charecter to Thom I'd be the happiest man in paintball. Warmest Regards, John Pope £inmclal/alnmmua, me are apnancmn,l vecnre crmnma. me,,w mm Vie 6,e ILYtyF rn ah,elntk Hbe,,lal o pngynle.r no , frrnpj rclaledwmanw ..... agerv aenll nnwi wa tlml wnb�Vnmrball e dwymmannrn,< IM have kieda hrpn�o u 4nrmaJ rkrcA, olld,l4,m'/nnAl Jll «pm m. d lhimanawl.um,dlorupan n,+nn4 HF nmm ,n lrrmv w,mm mnp,nl'l{ude gm Cree M1ing lnaurdolWmK a.naldjoc µ'e 6oVe tlHxanmvem lbegncrlmenlia a,, law Vmalon PkawrorxludeA n Ppfl and Rd,,lna umma ar lnrj ,, avnr /•kame nr!/{ a uq,uhufrnan of Jaeu V," rcqulrc Wu PilM boll Park Inleal/me9nreal ii' eryed onplrvcn,m aur nflbe fru/Ala led $113,87... M1, ilatmmm Paimi,,ij Thain andfhbbie ab«n nrt Vnnalve Igfnwee Orrsmrnunl vllnmlfo6ngnlnan, Tins include, muev equlnmenl, mmmma ¢1IMOPmen( onAron,e,djvn lobo, llmlmunr Pwnlda/l WIP he re3y),miinle Fv all inn urxeha, ,%u, wdMn the Minn link f Vn, OWadmaao L'wb I mainiIwaadum. me amrmanam(.vineuye, dayffel. mdv•ele mvetmalnannlomplore„'annaPadt,an-amna,0 aTgry,n,a aw.urn« . III.II I r, Maximum Paintball Supply, Inc. 01/200Profit and Loss rd)7 Standa July 200s through June 2006 Jul'OS -Jun IN oMlnarylnronyEVpenve Incona 501 -Bales 1,378,00182 TOW lrcpme 1.3]8,041.82 Gross PrdM 1,3]8,061.62 Elson esldmanroy change -3817100 B Umhaaea 884Frelghl ]54.1G2.24 801-AYvedw g 1],231.89 807-Au(xI ExWes 26.892]] 811 -Bank Changes 8620.72 823'aaprecla[brz Expeneo 198.70 82Sauac & Subc 1pflons 24.51600 Bb;Iwryh Insurance 2,46903 MIlyd0re¢f Expense 3178685 8-In¢uranoc ]6.&5 H-01-Wb611y bauranc¢ 9,af2.p4 833.03 -Workman' a Cempensallon 524700 TolaI82S4nsun 14,5]984 eN9 Fal & Att unlln0 Fp 862-Maintenance&Repair 8.215.29 860.Mm¢honl F¢ea 635236 84]618P9 BUPoIIe¢ 1822859 BSJ-Poslp¢ 6 SpiPPing 378000 858 -Prod( Sharegenclon EVP 78,00 85AP,amolion 8%Planation resale 1],219.10 R59 Rent 1,UPIM 860-Secutlly 36.670.60 862-Salarlea-01fi¢er 29Tm 883SalarkeLO,er 12770040 8648uppllea 100,917.58 885 -Taxes 12,861,41 865.01 -Payroll Taxes 22.75].08 885.01gb¢r Taxae %5.04 -Sake, Tax Payable26M 885.BB.Taxc, & Ucenae, 101.558m MG -Taxa, -aper 1Moo -1.51400 TOMB Tsxes (2640506 B] Teleplpna 8774ra AM & Eherttlnne nl 12,41938 87g411nalea 4, M, 13 981-F lbepne Tax 6.02263 W2 Sudan Fnrcblae Tax 1],174.00 7.194.00 TOW Exanca 1,318,500.99 Page 1 Maldmum Paintball Supply, Inc. Profit and Loss Standard July 2005 Mmugh June 2006 Jul 'e5- Jun '66 Net Ortllnary IMPme 59,¢96.63 ONler Ince�peme O Eepenae m-Pana"We 2M 995- I Ecpemea 00 9.W Total pNnr ExP nee 2"m Nel cum lncomc 240.66 Nollncomo ",m, m w Safery rl�rrwew ,Naxmmn LOUmeo1Mmlryreoder vn rrNblLshing pnarcn.r safeNpoAcles. Thls m that we ni a div Lok fin -possible safely hi avvds, then we create Prones /o prevent ace Wenn. ua"a nownely manyparnt"Oh stores man wain" ee on a¢"kin or mm-rnrudem before thepr,lOW tonfrome l Parnlball iss acmahy considered a ooh heely,safe slisty hvnvever, being epsed to Minaboll eyulpmenf madpve everyday m a.mwe sernng inn Iwease your rusk oJbnng Iryured ]ha sero)sa/ery hmrdellaw will cover these sweet m well as standavdsatey Mnrucnl.5 "Ohne, Ina, woos/ries. Mariana! ThesearenolsWitivi ans_.Mese ore bbrvmum Pmnlball SupplYi Puf4nes. naregardingapoary Is came for Mvw himannean with or wlwarning. ifryw do nmlm knaw1edgablii and ohne/.p,ane e. ane mux relfyoa,xapervurw. We "I rmnln its nclvep Workplace,Securlty Pmvhhnga semae workplace catt reduce minty types of rrskx. S'ewrily breeches run remit in iDefi. ideMily theft, assault, vlolenre, mal h"sna u she'awns. F'oresample, having the payroll dehwmd to us while we're open rnsteel ofl¢aving if outside the Boar nen preurm OhMat nc�fl. We also harc a number ofseastty carne/ms installed inside as we,na autsaht Offen the hill. We also se"amo camem wd/deter criminals. Remember,"are re/jusl using this facility, iNx up to the Miami stafto mammin high security levels. The Parking LM While /here is at Mal cithasafor determining "safe"parking pet, try• aipork; *Whew you emr see foradshmrm amfmd wrurwhiele. *Where you net be seen (a highly wsable loeahow *ln a well lit area *hs b yareas Going m emd fmm yy nm sr/dc/e Ahvays rorurder Yvmr own Xesarwl sewray wFsghgy before IeavingYa"r Whole. Link anmmi before openingyrmr dxr /Jymt rto/ire suspiauuspeople M the rmmedra/e area, moor to u, ren/ parking stall. When you egh tiwr Whack -0ackly move IowaNlhe budifingemes it, swatting the urea infnanr ofyo jr saspiclwsP ple arW behavior -Walk In well -la, areas. -,4a3o alert, he aware ofacitvRy in rhe bash awn vert /o rhe shore -IJa.mspraoas person dans approach, charge dlrecthms and hmdjor is fe mea_ Workplace Security, cont h is kf iwn"l'alnballYo0lKY that all losers lease at one floe to irrmease recvnryjorir.\' empl yres. When you we returning toyour vehicle. -.Scan rhe area around mur wincle as your appnmch. -Approach your sehocle with care; have your keys ready. -If.s'mneoung appears our ojrhe oNiomry or yss seen suspicions person approaching... VOP , and V back inn the.store or other safe area. Inside The Share Just beca veyme've mode it safe/y inside Me sore, ymr shouldrs} lel YonrguaNdown. Detre am /emfs ojsetonO,hot/ all empluyees are required m maintain -Unless product is being mood through the gate behind the store, it Is to remain locked. {whcmem are out allowed behind the counter unless thry arc using she badaoom If)sw se allowed someone to use the bathroom, is Is your respomsibilhy to watch them leave the bathtwm and go to the cher side ofd, counter -!la wavager has let you use the.mom keys, you are to ream them a that persoul hand, rot placedon the counter. -Managers arc she only people with possession to be in the rfre. -Filled outjorms such as frmsignmenu, Repair Forms, and Renal Agreement' are ower to be left on the counters. -Invoices are never to be placed where the public bras access to them. -7he door in the.ssoxk van is tobe used only as an Emergemy all, -1hanigopen burs, one rmonterpersrn must be in the showroom wall times. The .rMu•msurt muateseser be (eft uratreMed. -Dont overlroktmsh recepticdls as apossibksearlry breech bkaatlyaskyo off,, "Coulddisleopardte the secursry ffhe store f/Jus showtsawp?".We hoses shredieraMmhers �s ways ojdspasing ojreminse mnenals. Emergency Situations lhmdPbeming is essertoal in ltandlirtX anv emergrny sinmtirm.7hw ghoutyourworkinglk you will consantly 6e challenged with eirenu'thatare urlexpected..be pmpared� Fire the key a survismeg a fere UID ion lei ugetrmxed. Minimum Pmmbolllist deli/lnwmg nems as par nfisi lyre preventi<>n PmXmm: *,Smoke.9farms We have 5 smoke alarms dinrihwed lhnmghous our 23(st p eu, lows store. They ore /mrd -wired so sloe elecurallvsysrem.so them is nn nedfor boneries. Y'lean.rtamge ureas You will mstice that Maximum is mnadereda 'dean'sroa. 7 M is rata/lowed cn(fect m the shad, wmexs to the 6ugdng nrjertee /ores. Emergency SRuadosrs, cont. *Planradesespe mulesfivm every room 79a l�aned near doorways 'F.IecWcal d mileers and cads arc our ovenmded. "Fire Fxtinguisbers We am three rertrfredfra estirguishers. ErmW where they am! Locations are mapped m the p(armed escape nates mar dlmrways ardalso in this mamral. 'YemlY isupecnans by the Rmsna Cny Fire Department. What to do during of" Itis)mpors IMIy wdersuodthednamctensucsoffrm. Fr re sproadsquick/y there is tiro time m gather uluables easometimes ro even make a phare co((. /nryst two minmes afire wi becmre I JQ threalenttg. /n 5 minutes arca¢ ran be engulfed in )lanes. Nem andsmokefmmfire con be more dangeuus tars theflames. /haling the.mper-hot air cm.searyour hags. Om produces poisomurgares rMl fake ym dsorrenredard dranmvry. o. Aphysianmis theleadngcmcuflimaasa& exceedingburnsbyathreetoone "Do rrot limit The calmpersm wM assesses the event ofthe blame, calls thefrre depamnem caul ads quickly to coMrhr lbefire Or mows ereryvne our of Use building is the me aping responsibly *Assess de fire A/wyaddrdfrrsrfy rsafeNm ikesfeoiofodwis. IfdufrrerssmaRad, clearlY or tarsal and yaa ave been tiamed to use afire exiDgulsberyou cm memin to pea lhejx our Ifyou arenY sure lfyou ear coma/rt, oryouaien t been turned to are afire evitgmhher, leave srefrm frghiogm pmfessiomis wish the proper egdpmea. "Eucvsae she bu,"W. call 911 Weak as a team and brow your respmuibrlau, Cofim verbally watyou aredor . "I'll ger the estiugrdsherl" ^/ 71 gas everyone cut s^and "1'll call tbefire depaisiment .r •. will ensure amt ereralurg is taken coreojaxdfoepeople aren t all calRrg d dire deparsmem File � routes for each mom are posted rear rbe doortvays. 1liere are nvo mores jar eachroomaedfreearedcakeypagfire ertiagdher and move you to tbe rnrcvde vjrh Duildirg iWm ias quickly ar p osdble. IJyom cfotbes are mire, MVP,, DROP,A ROLL moldrefrre is our DO NOTR(IR- Ibefire will huin faster. lfYoo arc escaping Brough aclovddonr, use mw back ojr,hard to feel rbe hop of the door, the daanlnab, and the rnmk between tadooraMlhedobrfmme befom you openn NEVER we thepdm ofyour MatorJigerr to mslfor heat 'AT -- -fllhe door is cool, open.slowlyan/em lm that fin: midorsmoke it blocking wmrescape male. /f m it eswµ nndte is blocked, shui the door immediately anduseana0entarecome. leaveimrnngatelyandhej%% a dmcrawlas smoke mud hem rise and the mris cleaner and cooler near theJloor. Aaempi to chue dwrs behind mu or this will slaw thefin: dawn. -Ifthe door is warm or hon, do not open Eswpe through a window or alternate mute /f} camoresmpe, hangawhdeor Bghi-mien sheermtride the window, alerting the fare dgmrmtem m your presence Eteryone it to meet mirHde by the Blackrtme 4illage.5'ign post on Bookstore.. four supervisor will make.mre thn(everyrme is axamledfor Elag down lhejre department aslhey'p➢mach. LY)NOTGOBACX/N7OTNEBUILD/NG. Whoeveris the semorsoffmember thatdaymurt nmhnkeftmdeon tem jthe following items we keep stored in the building: -bulk Col c finders m%f hulk co nmv,it air cyliMers .SCUBA mob -fiber wrapped compressed air teaks Using a foe evingtt&her Flre extinguishers am only gocdforabour 10 SE('ONDS myna mint Maw how to use them in be egectire. 1. Hold me extinguisher upright 1 Pull thepin ardsmnd backti m/ofeen 3. Aim at the Dare ofthefte t. Squeeze the handle 5. S1d'e p at the bore ofthefte with the exon alsbah. agent �kzW„ �n s ixa.� T F� I s- (FETE ft11g'&fICr Dwim J Erlrtbgwrke What to an dlablg m earlhlgz F , 1. Drop. mrer arNhoNon Mrdmlze vour maremems domingmear/hglmizmajcw slrys laarrmby sajc/dme 2 ljyou are indaws, vls rover urWero swrdy dexk lYble w Mxh w ajpfNl m iwlde wolf. $lay ou'oYI mglux, wirdw, wtrtde donswwo!!x ythtngohmuldjoll.rwAm(Ighling jesrares mjwmrYrc slay irrtmrs mlilrMahatinghu,hassugyedamyoyou are sure extnng13sofe. 3 !jlMre isnYo laD(ewdexknem you. wxer yvmfine aM Mad wl/h yon mxu mdmmrh In m wide corner oflM bmlding Dmrways xhmddmtyM usedfor she(lm lflhev mein cbxe pallwry fo yw mM If yw krow ohm it U a Slrorlgfy Supported Iwddean S- (fYw are ouMmrx. SbY Mere. hloreaway jinn bulldirrg<, saeetlighU ardvlllltyw jyvuare Nmo arz iMaorpvbl(c(nsPion: -slay wheere JaY are. Oo roI rwh %or doarwayr. ot awa frmn fillshlws. mbineU.aMbwMares ronlNNnB a�%/eels ohm yfoll -Beawarethm lM elealndtYwrygo oulmlh¢sprinkln Sysremrwfrrea(raw 6 If becmnetroppedmdebns. nM'crolrm m" 4unatlightamalch 4orot moreoitka Yp dart uzrymwmoufh uM With harvquttMefw clwMrlg -]bpmapP wwalt xo resauem em faweyou Shwl mly ata tool rerwl. shouting mn mrzeyw loiMoledmgerour omumlx ofdair F(aa'k(IRklS Fbshlights are kept lnslde IM rental ,on duet, !f/au u¢e me, M&xwe lopes l/ back Tfl o niamgm J3mu fee/ that the halwry is gmnrlg fan. Robdvy lido can wxw Heeremisis l(he Seicrvls/Nwbu.Mwl.mneme Mi mxwhed Inwrvwrrd lM rlme.w role Mfrg (mWmtlabusive. Mlulo/Piorinei,Irm rmut memrxize mldadaprolM r/Inion Gl911 Nml/y mmngemew pmlecryourxeff Beagordwllitus ljyrou notbetnglehbed, xlou dm and dowhar lM mbberx lel//ou loch (43 mlM ohne 1131/ lfywm¢ a wlmn; sbY mho aM moke mmm(rwty nbaul dle mxallmn Ax xoa m IIU wfe-m(19l1. Then mnfy gem chaMNNle down wharuiuo wmn remember: Might. weigh maaa,. sous, wMc(e nfwmanm 8e Ur nnr nyro mrnese property a xrop rhe person whoJmt robbedyou. Newdbwywrrse! rh d rn sn ro arecnrd lacnnon. f Dakeep)oasery,* i./my mrennon mlt sI/ mdma;jyamomgrr rtghrawuy A.bp Mefaur mspomwfrmdffrem slmallau. rya customer rsye(Iing aMmingpro/ Iry, m;l mmngememprsc Amomler nay rmmuceyou (o mll9/I Slrmamw,:an esmlare saxrmt amgngmevd mutt rlghr Y PerMp depaxon wd/mlm down md/nrse happy-arrhrysaddpteUmaakrdfe. Prorea)aarxell and be a Bad wl(Ileer! Rap&O( lMm 91rix xltumlam wou�dlnrolse rlurrgs hke heart ar(ack, stroke, xe;zure. etc. As am emplo� it is vcsur �rbiliryroget rhe person medml aneanon nShr ownyr Ymmmran Jyw behest rameax ix rn dares:. Ifrheyom umerponrlse-mP al/. ljehry twit rumor able fswearysbo^elbreafrh h etc) eyraedms;ermrre Nonfyrmnogemem h7 (m(aaemp aea(arenl un�ess)w /wef llminm%M1meheesr rdjhe ard9// im(rucrsyau m doro. (All 3, or more rnanlwd emamumm lbe nd bssfe ) lbpro best rn keep (hepersan mlm-Ib NOTleme them dom. /fpasslble, serdsomearseaur(o glen aM ryeramedcs ar Mry apprrach. Coasaidy %Il^ $pflG Cal barderepne In wviaa'slur aMslmpes. /r ix up m you m rrmb tam at n/e lfefn I roJltl COI Of of remail as oJoebom.ncrc if isa/,sreel. T in Mem alingsurokar Nee bdrnm_ /till U maW, Ir Is MranMy plhe 6omom Ir/Im, it is alaMmar. From a Belting rlmdpolnf, dmdrvun is mire �xrrobfe as Ulx ligluer In welgla and It wl!l mlr�il 8mh 7Zex otiwrktper/a'n the tmm. metwatifhe rmnk4 fhreadMmaacpf the Erma wlw. ryrebrmsu lsm Wo/tMbody,Mebrandsk.dug, xp/ng, adpin. Ihaema4aadody ra mlw Ding, dolrle mlrrg, mmpn mlce tint ]hebodyo/Ms whe It camrnarei with axajerytieamre In ewe rhe wAc cwmr /mre/mn the faits M fafe tifaaa is mlhera bile arla, as mM/mdm olrhe two. Hae ria Urlo(rlelnr'ro tank (fear impear eadxmN.- rliell? Mewgvgw. dwys ink%yna do ml browformae� /rsf0are mitt G /here a Win between the rank aN Mr vane /s rhe an; wffe as mrmnl helg/a? - Unsn Mwabarle wings et Me rmek demMs L srhe rank lwk like 11 k been over healaia H Me rmrkbeen araMwd? Oats rhe rank laak like it liar been rampaed wits in atbway? L)0l1oaregW-e rhe Value $er apt 11vse rarnb ma Im/l upm l@Oppxi In elven gso to ggces wmrg, (twill ho n Imr ly ]here is m nmero�e mu o/Me wvy m Ewry rami ha since bal ojbwsr d➢klmapwared Into rife wlw. TAlr bran dlsklmaring eamaimarmn pae blowout'fMerook6eeam�s owrpetmalz¢d ]lilt keen Mer kJmn eq✓valiv germ dhb ore JrvMermnvdepimopesrrveclaver..rmvt bmrr dhb elMerMw 'IBIGWP'or'3K'an Mem 3K lr rhe BPm Bram Prerraeo/the 6urredtk Wpsfaja,Wmbrg Prersare. E1Mer Ir flm h' a Col lamp. Ovinghordayr in 65esm. xe Imluiea state (vert renmf agreemaas atom leMrg Col verb ger loo wain. Weaho poxf (hb rrSF rmarton apmdMe smre. Irtrpmr pvmlbilny ro wrbolN remlrticwttawen rokcep rhmr Cal mnbm men lemperorae ae-walrmrdrMm Aack Col one eLsr ora xMid (dry (cel. axaga. Drax a /Igmd. Armon remjCmlme Cal flgadbdlr ogar agax. dumb. (/hts ren Udlsplacer orygen ln}am fungsaM inn noose msplramry d/s(sess ewaually/emfngto Ak jbr Calmnbeloadmngsjae,,a,,al peaserm4ea we work w/rh Me JlNb Cal tmrtr. - betmdefv-cuaoners. Mraselawme qre Capexom Comprised Air Tanks Cattpre,redmr lmrb w HPmakr aerbeme/ed mtl well -retie In gmmra( it rs comlder�sole Io work wnh aM aroumi/hem. Ila rO ale bemraethe the CGA (Cawgessed Gas Axroclallory M5 come upwl/h aerfrieni(y we mulneslhNrhemd mer( aMflse vldfflW Pla)w these to be wjry SO we man M1OW s/ems 5/ to the rWnx arND¢ etx�d¢N ween dealing with !here lmvY am/Iheb IINm drrncef NNV IM odes caneerNngHP torts!here roald NA mdybe maAetmyllrm, leWedag,lxl the score. bulyou ore restlng/he Ylata llMpape araraulyou. F dn, rearan, even arc ayfraeam will result in mrmnmrlon pl'35vur empl }PI¢N Al( HP tmab are Lo ve+red by rhe HOT (OrpmmenI v1T nnspnrmlian, /ASpCNpA Atraimeyou pat upa HP mit rollll a you wasaj011aw rhe ImX,,Ow guldehnes. You omrmf mxume rMI swimorce etre has lore Ure lmpeanonfwyaiu Axk the amrwnw mrmga.e the crmr(wlrss /rM1mazapper rhenyswr�do Irl Illlhmone./lrhvrareractrrrkeaItsd AvappedmIst Ow Owle Nsabe remosed case only esrepnm to lhla rule ¢ fMAU America rocker lhw AbAmer/rn pun on lMlr mnke. Eren In rHr care, rMugh Ifrhe soaker has damage, you mmraasume IMl Us lmvk Ms dmrNge lwkal rM IarG abaskyourreljrhue gwxnaA. !. Ingemrat haveyou seen nes rypv trod O/lo/Ik Drfwe? /Jett, arks mamger, 1. fr Me rwikmatirm mire bkerwnmhlrg him cane lets¢? tber nsemM likerhere we /acre pbaImide the Imk? 3 do,t grararg ar rherep, Qces the vahepnlaok,6Mlim royav?HlMpn beet wpuded imide rM rank? 1r there manna( meting car belwem IMpnmld pn Rmng? AYTmtriau about rho nrd yar should cheek wlrM1 o mmeagei. Y Are lave lmecnwa ols rhe regulalw reare ar are them spaxrr )be lh¢regalaror seem ate car the intik) 5 lbzs 11 appear rMr unyuaryfiedpenexmel hme ban wwgrm on the regubrory Chew up fieGaffe lm sf NdrouMed brise ntguinrerlgm flNr pniblem. R Are the cwv+Thain drkx Installed On the reguWw? HP links ussml(Y have two Dual daub, a lawpexsux One anal high Iremme are. 3ORtsW lmekr - High Pressure Dm,l dirk xhouldrmd SX Lmgh POesse. Inte tO rhmntread1.BK i5Wp51 /aMs-Hip/I➢res,rbe bun( daktharldSat7J Law Pre,arae burr! mrk should raid /.gK T OxslhellllprerauremmMng nDave tM1eph Nppe march!hell//pressure on the rmd.s 8. Lookm lhepber wrapprg. H the rmrkbeen moppeN, Hrhe rra(n ewmlrnom? Are rhe 1/err,ey redare„r?oars aria nk nm lmd:lm b¢enmallre> 9. Ar dN barlom olrhe Imlk iso ptig putt Irlmkl/mh aMroverzi w/M reset? /0 fa rhe Nrlk wirtin i1\ h}d ,0.'rlexH Fuh card Ms art Psemprbn menber mngned coir The Fsempaon ronlNN rhe guaderyner rMrrhe ma jacmr¢rpller, andhytlmresrer mart use In mabrtg artlhmtlryrg the rind. Ilwedo mr fres¢ rh Eremplon N rhe mare rmNwyw do Nn uretrrmaM wAN Ir tour. Ilan you mmmrJffl rhe rank - Tbnb IMI Mw been relesrrd mull Mir a leglDledare nn IM slicker (Agaod reason to sell your sus(ameranudrrorrr lmeY donYhmw nrcJ Astral g¢r Kyou Mur any yuesnwu. Never lelo pabY ¢vsramermotr yvu ssmpmmlre ehensraadords. Transfilling Cal AAmyr/ �m�hr rartkryov aeabaurrbfill taokromoY rare the wlwhar of oniv an H aMboklm evieerue jmmperlrtg. Atka mM lf)ou frMwe olmefaltowlnRsfma lom: Rmarfonhnedwsntmechup Ideuh, the She ofrhe rant taulee moral Is Ne pin heigw mnecr A tpmtt bnwea/ the wive and the (mrk Is the lank dental Misrfn8ormrmgeebwsliet,s Nat the rook been pentif with MrsHng or d2magedbm0e o rimmrns /s them sonrerMnB rmnrnmwof mlmlaart this look <'blls.l)ttwt M'mmre_ gH nNy Mmgelmwhm wemrolhe rmrk Themdyway we rmifgwe aur hawmwli Caz v raNedv /Jfhe amkh¢r been broughlmro the rmrepewaysfyarurhavoeen engramd ga lmo de/ml aaour lAlsenBra�ad You mull empryrhe rmu:aM rhenertItenvit tivberrer lfymrmrror pa«mre ofwxhr8 the rarrenn.Im (heArn engraving lhbts he mosicanmaa(mkwe me whedro/.e awn Iafill torso rorrecllYaM efftworkvtlY tapes pacHce. ]9rere me He barer steps. / Alrenyau rake a raM m rmdxfrom a cwramer, yrw ore reeporerblefw them umet rot cunamer leave Hremme. roumrvr keepmskoflheller}rmtlre ice chulaM wu mwralso make sur¢lh curromer raker he laedx with Hem wken lheYkmse manors. 3. Chert rhe weigh mMdmvmine how murk Cod the rucwmerxart. to martrmea lire empty weight v engranNrcenro rAe re+lw(re. IJme umklm rroe �wnghrengraredabp rd xmp Ll. Nefgh rhe rm�k Ccmpme the rmpy weight ra rhe naval caught Cortaro:/ CheckmM wore mwn (mw muMyw Admedrag rolheronk AHgyn ver/m the wH y nim/IWdualfyaM then adirhem rogeerec Addaroronan Mw lens la anylmiklMldcemtlmce we. 1A. !/rive rartkU trot enRrvvzd env mustmoke rmelbllr /t mroN mdengrare e(ymbrelj To empn.a Nnkn he rwrerhebleedraopen an(Mfellslmlanart thebroD Ir et rhewayrnemrhefedmprer Screw rherankorfo oerffhe b1 mp,r off rk way rhes sbw[y,mrw live bm6mmeplf adapmr whf oaw!rtilelr� „�rm ateod ortty wnrheialrwnyo„hrar lnr cbz; /o,r wonrroM h,f ver rhe rank farmrhepn uNxe av rhe kmkmvldde dmmgrG Ijynu sone Mutant' Co$ rmyhme ahmdvbeen m^pY WughaMengrale rh rarrk 3. CM1IlI IM1e /arrk NE usewl«chin. Somerymet we hate i¢midsamenmex wemom xafer Nxm is Be srbe eo surto the mMr up r/mere lr a la !warm rn live rhea[ Some rano canxurk In waren ifrhe wtse u rubmerged l/rhminppem. ret rhe tart brow ar Cozatl wrermriq mh. same lh rmHammei«adwr nnnve bel )ou stmt /oA/f them X«p namofwhrM mretr art ymrt en me ice Mess II enn he royaringwhin rhe Ice Mery gm filfadwhh murmvsY tanks'. IlYaa rNnkmm we are gmHryq (w on (ce, /ells ^�a8g rehm n the Bang u fill. the Sewn rhrmld be fill the blend Qrt, am,,, qm mpm he it s rhe appounon i. Oreelhe/shellctifilh Ffthem Ate r INathey(/adyler/fere!nw amewingm Nl live waJ{rgrerhUhq Ix wrong reR otewr otolIan eie #a4wr "III Itis nm areM rrghrawry Tkn th /bleb on rhefi//mprer un/H roof rpeuure mumi//na Aem Cod srmrlb alert wu Close the bleed Honnitliordbydm wive mea, %reeneandxna toviillflavM1jrrme myou Bron roJljlrrard lf»a bre hoWrrrg live mN; yam hart' mold freeze ort rHek ra it Ill 1301 �e PeimMaff LC aunrree, MMC 3CA3�l21ZB13. , SA U8: adc Me 83861ntt 959 233.1880 Far 981233.1891 MATE 4 c SAFM DATA SHEET May be used 10 mmisY welt OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910,1200. Standard mus[ be mrauIn d for specific requim,mrls. Paid ct kkawknifion Product Name: Paintbalb Fonnule: Mbdure Formula Wr: N/A Common Synonyms: None Product Codes: Various Labels E#aclhre Dale: September 10. 20M Revision# Original PmCaUImnarY Labeling: Health -0 None Flammability . 0 Nope Reactivity - 0 None Hazam mfings are 010 4 (0 = No hazard; 4 = Exdmma hazard)_ PmtmWe equpmenf dung Use: Eye and lase prolaction PmCERfimnary label slatemarda: During use avold wrract with eyes. Hank Ua COmponerrte This g nm manufapured 6 contain a 1910.1200.1200 reportable component as defined in 29 CFR Componem % CAS No. Not Applicable PhvaMal Dals Ingredients: Pdyefhylene Glycols Plasticized Gelatin Glycerol Water Various food grace dyes and industrial grade pigments Baling Point: N/A Vapor Pressure (MM HG) N/A Vapor Density (Air-1): N/A Pour PointSpecifi: APproximately T C (45 F) Evaporation Gmvty: 1.07-1.14 vaporRate: N/A (H2O=1) (BUTYL ACETATE=1) Solubility (H2O): Appreciable (Mone gran 10%) % Volatiles APP mnce & odor Colored, liqukl-filled capsule. by volume: < 5 Fl &dol Ny -- 41 Flash Point (Open Cup) N/A NFPA 704M Rating: a-" Flammable Limits: Upper WA % Fire Extinguishing Media: Use an ulehi media a Lo WA % SPedal Fire,Fightirg Pmredunes: nng PPrW.We for surrounding fire. end eat�ntairred Firefighters shoMd wear Proper protective equipmenf motle. breaMmg apparatus with iWl fampbpe operabd in positive praaerxa Toxic Gases Produced: Cart an Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide Health ftlMaLgM Toxicity: No known wxicty. Cam nogens;4 NTP: No WRC: No 2 List No OSHA Reg: No ERecISOf Overexposure: Cordact ran cause eye initatlan. Target Organs: None idarff d. - Medical Conditions Gananagy ASgravated By Fxpmure: Damage skin. Routes Of Entry: Ingestion, eye oontact Emergency Anc( First Aid Proredurea: - ingestion: If snakowed and the Person is conscioua. mme airily give lege amounts nt water. Get malfael attention. Eye Contact. Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, Get medical atlention. Skin Contact: Wash with plenty of soap and water. Reactivity Date Stability: Stabile Hazardous Polymenzation. Will not occur Conditions To Avoid Heat flame Decomposition Products: Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide Incompatibles.- Strong oxidizing agents, polymerization catalysts and accelerators, slmng bases, strong acids. SDIII&& p—�Procedures i Steps to betaken in the event of a spill or discharge: Wear suitable protective clothing. Carefully sweep up and remove. Disposal Procadure: Dispose in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations. ProtM� pt Ventilation: Use adequate general orlocal exhaust. Respiratory Protection: None required where adequate ventilation conditions exist. Eye/Skin Protection: Safety glassed with side -shields. 22rage & Handling �� Special Precautions: Store in cool, dry, well-ventllated area in original sealed containers. Isolate from incompatible materials. Tranopodadon Dep & Addlryonal Inforrnetlon Ddmestic (D.O.T.) Proper Shipping Name: Painfballs, N.O.S. (Non -Regulated) Notice. Severe Painthan provides tha infom[aion Contained herein in good faith but Males noPerson using Product as m b mmprehansweness or accuracy. A proparly gained _ g P tends this document only ase guide to the appropriate their mdopel tl¢nrIiud g omin a material Individuals receiving the irimmq{ion must "incise Severe PaiMball mekasn npfre res ""�"ing se appropdetenass for a particular purpose. including wAhout limitation any warra�ntles of r arotmwadrahes; either un; for w'ritcul d, Pu"Pose wdh reapact to the information set forth hereinorthe INY product foto iiiduch the information refers. Accordingly, Serere Painlbell will not be responsibla for damages resulting from use or reliance upon this information.. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SEMITE' CHEI*WALPRGWCf 0.N0 NMPANV INDE FIC MN PRODUCTNAME : WASHABLE PAINTBALL MENTRICATION NU.SIDER: EAU 27 P PRODUCPUSFIC S : Merkuig Pallea for Spw I)AmpiuNLm IMM6 SUPPLIER: Nelean Ta nobgm. Lc WNUFACTURER: PO Bae 2W 0 NNwn T« lagiq We P Pfw(, MI4"02-2010 EDEa:1M0 l irIpAo, M119S02-2010 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: M- Z5 -ESM CHEIA EL: M gmy EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: M-255-3924 CHEMTRL 24 Mur PREPARES Tiu SM"B, PHONE;W0 77-5W, PREPARE DgTE: Ii/b➢5 ..u..uuu..xu.nu..u.uvaeu..m<...<v..m....ur.urv..uv....u....uuuyuumu....v...uau .vv.uveuvwu..w.0 SE ON II. COMPOSIIWN/ MFORMAMN ON MOENNIENT3 • rvu vwm eve vuu.uusma<ev..unvuvu.uw.unuuvay.<muuuu� .—ciMWt+i.xuP...��..� wwnteW L nvrranmMnlewrtuNeNMlrs— No�Nm0.vMeartrueCmaM�YLLtrDJc RV-lM'.a M1V-st¢ P6.iW1 M3<2Lirp Sml 1� 6xew%I b.Wvabim ypyl «eere<emmuy«ensu..< M Ul-P . SWAL DATA r<e.we«uue.uy<u <.nee<.<un BOEANG RANGE: NA. VAPo0. pENSf1Y: ODOR: SI4M le ligllatlmn op APPPARANCE: CppmSpBy SPLCIPICORAVIIY: 09M SOLUBE.f1Y 1N H2O: Pertiy LNAPoR.AIION RATE: b Nnxmtlew Ruryl Amon. VOLATILE BY WEIpM: So % VOIATpE BY V VOLS. Iwo, 0M OLIE.S .00% - VUCS.p+mTtr 0 (Rm Sm XI Er aMrevYtlm. kr ) v.uvwu.vu...v...uuuvswvouu..u..uu...v..muu.u..vraaueu..uunouvuuuumm vuu..u.u...v....u.uuuSE JON IV FIRE AND PLOOSpp HAZAROuuev......mmmu.uurew FLASHPOINT: NA, LOWER EXMLDBErE LDIIT: NA UPPER EXPLEBIVE LIMIT: NA B%TMGUISHMG MROIA: CO2 pRYCHEMICAL EDAM WATER DOG UNOSUAL ESE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Nm ywMe 6PE.TAL Who les mMIIIO �OCBAn msry RR mrrwlF-ampeldmWpg WrreYUM1®mn-0m�uM(MSHAMIOSH �i'Nm ) PiWtiYve ............... ................u........ e................... ............................................ .....................................�....:.. �wAAtlx NKnxo Mu eml/wn �llk xrm, m.Ww m, q.INi EF(ECf501:OVbREXPMURF. I .. ._ i_.. _ _ P.FtEC1S OFOVCREXPOEORE-SKIM MWg .Elms IlY nonmipµ�8'o W'm. U -E SOI'OVE!-XMSORL-NAA MK Viyuxen ynRely.duew PpyRtilImcpetis. EFf OF OVEREAPOSORC-MC ON; Noluwdiq nmmel bduaPW uc Wan+�rt lvoveR C. IfRE-CFIROMC HAZARO5:8m1wsyiWr4 dtlq yrguf evPammemeaumx"riPmedmuummy FlRSf AN- L1'E ('OMaCF: f1uYi nypv µlaw�ly w dj wm> for 15 minWu Oy uumyiye myiml mmpm. FIRSTAN-,SKINCOMACF; WeA etio wiN mgrmpryq, It"urimon dwebps, gSu iiol etleotiurt FIRSTAID- INHM.ATKIN: K,l FIRST A07-pGEST10N:IMim rgniµg Rµ�ge moume qe inSepay. CmmhmediuW Fcsanial PRIMARVROO SIOF V: EYEWMACI' .......... ..... ....o...... ........ .........wev................ ..a............nu.................. ...........«.............. sr4m. v4 twRrvrtvMu llaIABDOIIS DECOK9VSfDON PROOIK.'IS: mm�el mnioPwllWi mry Yi9d ratio daxide mNamEan nimoWde. MN MOWMAVOID: Aroidayy{om hyh M1umidrty orpmipubyn Wuue SR peg For hebw GOpgF MLbABATA61Lf1Y: AwW ampp w1µ: epag mdiei�gwa IIAI.A Wi PoLYMENyATION: Will lrs oxuwd>mmN amlWom. STABpIIV: Thn Pmduw ieflb mhrmnml tlmgmiWilvu ... .... ... ... ..........w.0 ....... .............y. ............................................... w. .... .................. Re::.�..mu. c[1Yn[I[OcmVlp SIYPS 1p BE TAKEN MCASE MA'1£RLfL 15•••••••• ^"•••••••• '^•••^"u fix dwp• b eumAux wYh FMW allli RF3P.ASEDOR SPII.LED:Spil6eAwld Evunmi�aMpfeaW in v�i466 mopeyp WASTE DLSPOSgL MEOIOD: D" y'iommdw�mwpy yl yue(gq my. •wgWocw ..... «....................... e ......................................... sailax vm-s.ve xnRq.ma.wn U¢dmpunixv. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• .................. «......e... ... ................... w...... .......... .. r.......... RESPIMTORY PltZ) L ON: Now iwa1M, vRMRanoN: Doe Kmdmmal awplatim. SI AeOlEcfw Nam nmaai. EYE PROTELTN)N:Impae iaigsl Sally VUy will wifi ad flag lim�aW I]5 fM pryxanl x�quuW. 011{ER PAOTFGTIVE EOII@MENf PrtWiwhsleav iertgWMl EYra. cart. mtllim]m ymW Mwi dam inpgl w.w wvelNwsMwftNm, M.lu3 mlzm— HYGENIC PRACI3CES: WptliM1®y hpf ylugorsnr.4inSLyaid is mnevNwilfi wmm xyymtl yoaP, ....„...».....................................•........................0....................... n. ... ............................... sScnorew-s ALwsevnexa ................. r.......... u.................6.0....... ,................. PRECAlIT1ON5 TO AN. TAI(FN 3N HA]h AIN SM"Oe: SWp., trial MIMPIRdblew.bmav m�Mi�m Cbpptl wM1en od in use. RxammmdMelnpg: pmditions m[ 55 b JS Deg. ib�Wlei[dq rehlivp Avntidllyo 3[ n%ficlach R+w OTHER PRECAI ONS: Kmp ach Lon ol to pal F flood lake ily nor uhpbk PeinLLwlhmnom:ol howevp on mw ash dianha Oo Fat p®w ach l�Mwode Mh A MA oflvsovelly wa . Fact uuruu.yrureaar...uu..euervuu ,SECTION A - RNIB RATMO....... HMIS RATINGS - HEALTH:1 GI,AMhfApp,fR':1 IfEACRV[R':0 u.a..rvu...vu.uurr..uu.ra ...er...r....r•.r. SF ON XI - DYNES RFC.NLATIONS u..rm..r.u.rru.ruruurv<ersrru.eu.wrrew SARA SECTION 313:1 as poloct cas"i Achy MllmvkR pl.by®ca asocial as yx rattailieyurymimu Allocation 313 afTilkO chSupafimd AmmMnp�pmd •_..•_ Aat of 1986 sh LFR Fn 3T1: CHOMCAL NAME --313 Sabah No SACAS M)MBRR WT/WT %IS LRSS THAN RA mopoien¢eein in Mie prMu¢ PREVIOUS MSDS REVISION DATE: 0521A2 LEGEND: NA, - Na APPI p e NE. - Nct Fadblulp{ No. - Na D�pilwd ...e ..................... ....... ... ............°:..'.tr.�W.n......e......u..... .......... n............ - '•Nehon TerFnaloSim, la. (NTN exp.vasty divchime W ngessM or implinl wuren6ga[mvabpnmbiliry wd [iereps for a putiwly m1,,Sh wMrmpmwMe Pmdua nr hasyciop prorkM fah All iI)f0msdm oMggS M1arm is bad uNo yq classical fiscal to u a, wd/or auynlsdlya uucev, Fill i into cas nn is L Fly 1a h auumq N[I makes oo rcp®oO, a In as �+m.•oraufRnarcY Cmdititm ofhas me bspnq cl CA l mid al cash are rtapxuLk In wri[y Mu dap IF tairrcyo oWatiry afthamwdep�mim wlayv Ma peday k wireble for 16.i.l clu pc.lweea had d, uw.e all all ofMair ey, baalleg amldiepwal afticepyuq ufian can publiul Far ah of. IT Foist apw, infwmatwm mnuinch hmein. Thir wformwm rtbn.1Y m Mp Phyl iFPaled MCMaMAl nW rtYpb da cast,btcwn I, h achy (END OF MSDEI ............vo..........uur ....r.. .......•... vi.L........gr...¢.�. muruu... wm�m.m.wroml o� n senor a+a I IF oaf Liquid Carbon Dioxide SHEET .wwrn�aom oaxa worovmas..oc.melk lmoreowu..Nro, In 6�Sbp�LLN9FC@ryFpnlpi M1'vYM.mLLv^ Fnwm �Pr6H tl�, Wvolmry r TM1�m a9�.l®. _ VPaenm mlvma^ ^ lMimm L NNYNM1Itm fIORLd! K^Agromp Sutlf4%tlwwypW��.wM�r� 0.�uu.bvydbdtmh mlpYv.lbwl.PePN leNb.bb M4 �„UY�Y _ xµ Jw4 �mP� Nw B 0VgY11E WMIpNHIppNLL NYI�..pN dY®^NekYa k519:1�' p¢ us.m.lem^ulm f....'S�eI•IUNWmt) .Nl.i' MOON'YIYypNi Itl.okrYx N N.ua Wa s66L �sIN� �snWY'c OaFILLyaP^a WbYaY 13ro�11 w�A_^ac smell w+r.N.v mml.Nl HVvwK CLLurbu aareo 4ati,el.lw-ae. w.esq mnwnwwnyaa. basbda.wl�n �OSIMNIlTNOIRM:IlTY �rYq mA�Ydm�ie b I � rolamlIXiC..L YyppY11M oN uoff>rom I�Ncwr {yµtlCrr�PeW �anbI4P4 CQ IM�Wmn rl^6R+Wv6^w a611er6wYdfiew. W.+m Na ���Arz 9YOW1Arz tgHW Ryvtlm Sulmsve �R �d Cawcmely�u 11IAsutle 1m^W WWM �.eNr IH ly9 NN d969 Nmn Nsral XLLIp{pNApynp� MrWYa�Wyb� ne I� P. 6.rs>buEO�b 1p1 4.Am�YI. ^For � i°• �rb+Rn. �yg~ rva^d� +.ZYm�1(��itl,pl�p.a �Ol. de lhis rlq �vtr � iAr� r�ialwv^eerNttuu bwb� sam�erm+ym. SfiEpOitNp� 4vi.lmh Fgv..mhwmyure Nnbmb,I��mr�- llmrly r^b^N+^Fofm Nuc S�iYe 4bvx�WTWumi Y^PaMgm� bly. Qt¢f.eNleL Yp�b.�IgM.>aNa. mgYe�hmarw 6�Sbp�LLN9FC@ryFpnlpi M1'vYM.mLLv^ Fnwm �Pr6H tl�, Wvolmry r TM1�m a9�.l®. _ VPaenm mlvma^ ^ lMimm L NNYNM1Itm fIORLd! K^Agromp Sutlf4%tlwwypW��.wM�r� 0.�uu.bvydbdtmh mlpYv.lbwl.PePN leNb.bb M4 �„UY�Y _ xµ Jw4 �mP� Nw B 0VgY11E WMIpNHIppNLL NYI�..pN dY®^NekYa k519:1�' p¢ us.m.lem^ulm f....'S�eI•IUNWmt) .Nl.i' MOON'YIYypNi Itl.okrYx N N.ua Wa s66L �sIN� �snWY'c OaFILLyaP^a WbYaY 13ro�11 w�A_^ac smell w+r.N.v mml.Nl HVvwK CLLurbu aareo 4ati,el.lw-ae. w.esq mnwnwwnyaa. basbda.wl�n �OSIMNIlTNOIRM:IlTY �rYq mA�Ydm�ie b I � rolamlIXiC..L YyppY11M Ix R9WGtlLCYVY41tlN Is RliIpPTOMYIMORIWIVIM SAFETY DATA raw x�.,m.va« w«em.a«.u.e 1. �e�rema. swig«nse�: SHEET uo�uanrmansars � `sY"' _ ,m IY..�.sYna,..k �m.amlam`°w"ee.s"r' s...a�.:.wa�srl.s•.. m...n ra.m.«nG.Pµa✓mu IO+Ye«xhmwuW�. �qn�a. Km�moavYVNlraea� vbvb Nafa x ixN6MX1'MfOMPlmli 4rimwAl4W ^W mmmkbmNm4 Mm9al�sigXw^.. WtlmiiWM1-ml aafm o.vW�aWmam mems M1nfWwbr h :ISIw �0a�*+a«Y4WenmmmvYyl. 12 �m.6•wea w.or.a •wz. m a m.«,. mrgPam ii�m,.m«�n.� � ^ee:lmq«YPtl.4n«Yma�war a ^+fYw.. am•a�•a.+m...a.a ea.m.wle ✓.ya-sae.++a:m.0 «I.r. wrex®..mw.aa x«aew.aww R.mm... mm«a...a: Daae �' nrwn mMm..�.,ee�.Mw xaw. -wncwmx. �,i asmswY. — iz `I so wi:xi m zw,.n. Na111N �.�«� o�wml�4v�1 'BOC e�rwce.wc.. ccnroereu Fax poM a mW afely elquvim pi on . In i%eU awwm Intl Repuh&oPYxbM: 0800 111 333 1850 333 435 ope, Iowa 11m1Mlx 9'4!'^, nm mydh II II r I I nm/o- nm extrau.m aueaelki, 4.0uenvl plmNevneexum demkNi re rvallMMJin%11 m¢Irel jmniee wawwq h,"�.mmim.e�n, e'Im..rze�enp. mMmx YrvmblllbAvmr CLued(rleoer. SlmM.Srvme:mq�bnnnm Ynmrbv.md Sivgnv V{Vp.{PFI !'In<eJvunM1reekiW n e-...p,lrx.elA?W wImnuu ergmnal14i�MM1 LO Lninl.w,me wMfhm I p l nI, d, I nghrmeIN I,d,le e ,/x Ithl'll w�t fnnnAlhm neethe F nuMlSemlwilaw 1, ulrtr aralm✓oIta wild, tnmt'✓n andhw eedi d, �rle�r,hnneaIli, w rvnr{y.w.ohmmervpe(mholidrv+ mnma anrvc..a. n'e n�uaaar.nt.ha mmrdo.l,Lar`fleld eil ea,ntmal[. rvr.mvmxnenlonr,aroml m,Wpwmreu nn✓ rep s. epytu,d Jla t,a .dn.o-mn Ped ne. achw,mexhnanususy,. hrt.mply'painlMh.vnµv�n mn�rlla thv FLY6Yjrvfo] Sun Mon Tpuee WelThu Fill Sat .,:sme oew�Coi rma 14 75 —;' 16 17 _78 "79"20.��y] i,.,, �c �.. .,.m Mi6 x ak. ,�._. ,...,. ' �ya_sv ¢. r v 27 " 22 " 23 " 24 25 —26 ' 27 . ... FIVESmi- _� �, _ ,,. At, L 26 29 30 — 31 Fl� FII IF I,.rr, I It 7Z_ < 1F t.�l� .,r• Y IIL �i i, u uNlu .S Ny-4. flY rP nd. n,J L ar L m� s ids i- i li...... - ... 14 V-1 j 1 �rL., . r F pp .g X9 vE dqq�®yNF� tN'4rh," c I x s c se .g X9 vE dqq�®yNF� tN'4rh," �� 3 �° w n N O O V '� e:c. m.:.. . Ca: a�- CCs-s£ tiva...- iiu�s 5 ����: ��_� @_.; p�a:- hili. �IIII S xm. sxr...„ ❑Y:6..6 IXGt.. �If'' loll: YYCc.. iYY... KY99..- KYK.t4 YKc.. xa. IiNt INS I xa. e J, Y eat. .g IIII�.A nae. boap.. p5...1 hee., �� o 3� .� o s N O O V x i z f c �� o 3� .� o s N O O V �e Z O m s m N 4 � � a V i z �e Z O m s m N 4 O O V a5c„ -Z. c'ss... ass....$ Etl N_s .� F 3 a ru � N a C e! I s y a5c„ -Z. c'ss... ass....$ Etl N_s .� F 3 a ru � N a C e! a5c„ -Z. c'ss... ass....$ Etl N_s .� �� w ;� c y, N O O V ���� ������ #�. Nik^':� tlCfi§ N�d{b��g � r+ G e c — r z' �� w ;� c y, N O O V ���� ������ #�. Nik^':� tlCfi§ N�d{b��g September 17, 2008 Cnuncu Ad ion: 9/16/08 Mayer Approval: TO: MAYOR ALAN AUTRY-A. RECEIVED Mayor Vem; FROM: REBECCA E. KLISCH, CMC62000 SEP 19 PM 1: 29 verdtle Request City Clerk CITY CLEAN. FRESNO Cf. SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL OF COUNCIL ACTION FOR APPROVAL OR VETO At the Council meeting of 9/18/08, Council took legislative action entitled Award concession contract, Maximum Paintball, operation/maintnce of palntball facility at Me Regional Sports Complex 11acre flood basin. Item No. 9:30 a.m.—B1, by the following vote: Ayes Calhoun, Capriogto, Dages, Duncan, Perea. Sterling,%long Noes None Absent None Abstain None Please indicate either your formal approval or veto by completing Me following sections and executing and dating your action. Please file the completed memo with the Clerk's office on or before September 29, 2008. In compufing the fen day period required bM Charter, the first day has been excluded and the tenth day has been included unless the 10 day is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, in which case it has also been excluded. Failure to file this memo with the Clerk's once within Me required time limit shall constitute approval of the ordinance, resolution or action. and it shall lake effect without the Mayors signed approval. Thank you. APPROVED: VETOED for the following reasons: (Written objections are required by Charter; attach additional sheets 8 necessary.) Date: Alan Autry, Mayor COUNCIL OVERRIDE ACTI Date: Ayes Noes Absent Abstain