HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - - 2012-068 - 4/19/2012R ESOLUT ION NO .2 012-68 A RESO LUT ION OF T HE C OUNC IL O F T HE C ITY O F FRESN O C ALLING S PECIAL M A IL ED-BALLOT ELECT ION C OMMUN ITY FAC ILITIES D IST RI CT N O .16 WH EREAS, o n A pril 5, 2 012, th e Co uncil o f th e Ci ty of Fres no ("Council")adopted its Resol ution of Inten tion to establis h a Co mmun ity Fac ilities Di strict and to a utho rize the levy of s pecia l taxes ("Reso lution of Inte ntio n"),stating its intention to fo rm th e C ity o f Fres no Comm un ity Fac ilit ies Di strict N o. 16 ("CFD No . 16"),pur suant to th e City of Fres no Spe cia l Tax Financ ing La w ("Cit y Law "),C ha p ter 8,Di vi sion I ,Art icl e 3,of t he Fresno Muni cipal Cod e;a nd WH EREAS ,th e R esolution of Intention ,incorporating a m ap o f th e propo sed boundaries of C F D N o. 16 and stating th e ser vices to be provided ,the estimated maximum cos t o f providing such Se rvices,a nd the Rat e and Method of A pportionment of the s pecial tax to be levied within C FD N o. 16 to pay for the Se rvice s (a s hereaft er d efi ned)with res pect to C FD No .16 ,is o n file wi th the C ity C le r k a nd t he prov is ions th ereo f are i ncorporated herein by th is re ference a s if fully set fort h herein; a nd WH EREAS,the Reso lution o f Inte ntio n co ntemplate d t he impo sitio n of a s pec ia l ta x u pon th ose properties with in CF D No.16 receiving sa id Serv ices;a nd WH EREAS,th e Co uncil co nducted a publ ic hear ing,pur suant to t he C ity Law ,at w hich a ll int erested persons w ere a llowe d to be h eard o n all matters p ertaining to the form ation o f C FD No.16 ,th e Servic es to be pro v ided therein a nd the levy o f said spe cial tax;and WH EREAS,t he Counci l h as a dopt ed a Resolution o f Formatio n ,es ta blis hing CF D N o.16 a nd preliminar ily estab l is h ing the a nnua l appropriat io ns limi t,as defin ed by s ubd iv ision (h)of Se ctio n 8 of Art icle X III B of the Cali fornia Co nstit ut ion,of CF D No .16,at $300,000.00,subject to ap prova l of the qu alified e lector s;and ~,td..D·~" qu alified electors of th e territory of C FD No.16 at a specia l mailed-ballot e lec tion. NOW ,THE REFORE,BE IT R ESOLVED, BY THE COUNC IL OF T HE CITY O F FRESNO AS FOLLOWS : I . The foregoing recita ls are true and correct and are adopted as the findings of the C o unci l. 2. T he levy of a s pecia l tax proposed in the Resolution of Formation shall be submitted to the voters pursuant to the City of Fresno Special Tax Financing Law,ChapterS, Divis ion I ,Article 3 of the Fresno Mun icipal Code. 3. The sett ing of the appropriations limit sha ll be submitted to the voters pursuant to C ity Law. 4 .T he two ballot items descr ibed above shall be co mbined into a single ballot measure pursuant to C ity Law. The ba llot proposition shall be as shown on t he ballot form attac hed as Exhibit A,which ball ot form is here by ap proved . 5. T he Co unc il finds that more than 12 persons have been registered to vote within t he territory of CFD No. 16 for each of the 90 days preceding the close of the public hearing co nducted by the Co uncil.According ly,and pursuant to City Law,t he Council finds that for the purposes o f these proceedings the vote shall be by reg iste red voter with each voter having one vote.If the combin ed propo sition for the levying of the s pecial ta x and the establish ing of a n appropriations limit receives the ap proval of two-thirds (2/3)o f the ba llots cast on the meas ure ,then Co uncil may approve the levy and co llection of the s pecia l tax pu rsuant to the C ity Law. I I Cou ncil Resolution No .2012-68 Calli ng fo r S pec ial Ma i led Ba llot Election ,Community Facilities District No .16 Page 3 of4 6. the e lec tion day ("E lection Day").Pursuant to City Law, the e lection shall be cond ucted by mailed ballot. 7. T he C ity C lerk is hereb y designated as t he Electio n Official for thi s specia l mailed ballot e lection a nd is a uthorized and directed to cond uct th e e lectio n in accordance w ith C ity Law. 8 .The Election Officia l is hereby directed to mai l or del iver the ballots and a ll requ ired voter info rmation ,in substantially the form of Exhibit A hereto or as required by C ity Law,to the registered voters residing with in CFD No.16. 9 .The Election Offic ial or des ignee s ha ll accept personal or mail delivery of th e ballots at a ny time prio r to and until 8:00 p.m.on Election Da y . 10 . T he Elec tion Officia l is d irected to fix 5:00 p.m.o n May 3, 20 12 as a reasonable date prior to th e election a fter wh ich no arguments for or aga inst t he meas ure may be submitted for printin g or di stribution w ith the voter ballot materials .Arguments,and rebutta ls arg uments if applicab le pursuant to Section 9285 of the Ca lifornia Elections Code,may be submitted in person or by mai l to t he Election Officia l at the office of the City Clerk,located at 2600 Fresno Street ,Roo m No.2 133,Fresno,California 9372 1. 11. Followin g th e clos e o f th e electio n period ,the Election O fficial shall tabulate th e e lectio n results a nd declare the results to the C ity Council on Jun e 2 8,2 012,or as soon as possib le t hereafter. 12. The C ity sha ll reimburse the County of Fresno for its costs incurred in assis ting th e E lection O fficial in the conduct of this specia l mai led ballot e lection,in an amount no t to exceed $12,000 . A ttachments: Exhibit A -Spec ial Electio n Ballot I r I. I Co uncil Reso lution No .20 12- 6 8 Calling for S pecial Ma iled Ballot Election ,Community Facilities District No .16 Page 4 of 4 ************************************ CLE RK'S CE RTIFICATION STATE OF CA LIFORN IA ) COUNTY OF FR ESNO ) C ITY OF FRES NO ) I ,YVO NNE S PENCE,CMC ,C ity Clerk of the City of Fre sno ,certify that t he foregoing Reso lut ion was adopted by th e Council o f the C ity of Fresno,California, a t a regular meeting th ere of,h e ld o n the 19th day of April ,2012. A YES: N OES: Bai nes ,Brand ,QUi ntero,wes terlund,Xiong ,Olivier Bo rgeas ABSTAI N:None ABS ENT:None ATTE ST : YVONNE SPENCE,C Me C ity Cle rk AP PROVED AS TO FORM : C ity Attorne y's Offi ce BY :'--_"--"---=-£-..~_ M ark G leason ,Deputy EX HIBIT A •.. OFFICIAL BAL)I;'~~ SPECIAL ELECTIO C ITY OF FRESNO CO M MUNITY F ACILI TIES DI STRICT N O.16 Thi s b allot is for a Special Registered V oter E lection .Yo u m ust re turn thi s b allot in th e en closed p ostage paid e n velope to th e o ffice o f t he City Clerk o f th e City o f Fresno n o later tha n 8:00p .m.on J une 25 ,2 012,eith e r b y m ail or in p erson.The City Clerk 's o ffice is lo cated a t 2600 Fr esn o Street ,Room No.2133,Fr esno,Californ ia, 93721. T o vote ,m arka cross (X)in the voting sq uare after U1 C word "YES})or after th e w ord "N O ".All m arks othe rwi se m ade arc for bidden.All other d is ting uishin g m arks or era sures a re forbidden and m ake the ba llot v oid . If yo u w rongly s L~m p ,mar k, tear,o r d eface thi s ballo t,r e turn it to th e City Clerk of th e City of Fresno an d o btain ano ther. PROPOSI TION A: S hall the C ity C ouncil of t he C ity o f F res no be authorized to l evy a special tax a nnually 011 taxable p rope rty wi thin City of Fre sno C ommu nity Fa cilities Di strict No .16, C ounty of Fr esno, State o f C alifo rnia (the "Dist rict"),so long as the special taxes are needed to pay for public maintenance of fac ilities a ssociated wit h the Univ ersally Accessible P ark and th e levy and c ollection o f th e special t axes at th e s pecial tax ra tes and pursuant to th e m ethod of apportion ing th e s pecial taxes,a ll as s pecified in the R e solution o f F ormation adopted by the City Co uncil of th e Ci ty o f Fresno o n Ap ril 19, 2 012;a nd shall a n appropriation s limit, as d efined by s ubdivision (h) o f Sect ion 8 of A rticle X III B of th e Ca lifornia Co nstitution , be es tablished f or th e D is trict in t he amount of $300,000? END O F BALL OT Yes No D D