HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - - 2011-034/RA-1779 - 3/3/2011COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2011-34 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 1n9 A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF FRESNO MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO SECTION 33005 OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW, AND AUTHORIZING THE AGENCY'S EXPENDITURE OF TAX INCREMENT TO INSTALL AND CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CENTRAL CITY COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Fresno (the"CouncV), on June 19, 1999, by Ordinance No. 9946, adopted the redevelopment plan for the Cental City Commercial Revitalization Redevelopment Project Area (as amended) pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of California (Health 8 Safety Code Sections 33000 at, seq.) (the "L '):antl WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno (the 'Agency') is engaged in activities necessary to carry out the Plans, and the Plans authorize the Agency to: (i) install, construct or recons"ct public improvements or facilities to eliminate blight and (ii) cause or provide for Installing or constructing utilities and other public improvements necessary to carry out Me Plans, and WHEREAS, on March 3, 2011, the Agency adopted Resolution 1776 approving the Five -Year Implementation Plan for the Project Areas (the "Implementation Plans'); and WHEREAS, the Implementation Plans, to help eliminate physical and economic blighting influences, include a redevelopment program to facilitate private reinvestment in IA* Styr 3-3-u \" CTy Council Resat Won Na. cluxin 4Rebo Apple vWpmeM Agency mp ov a encs No. 1))9 Apple Valley Public Improvements Page Z the Project Area by installing public improvements in the Project Areas; and WHEREAS, the proposed public improvements within Ne proposed prolect are located within the Project Area and include paving, Curbs, guders, sidewalks, storm water systems, sewer system enhancements (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Project will improve the visual quality of the street corridors, improve traffic Flow and increase pedestrian safety, all of which is Intended to encourage and support the retention and expansion of existing businesses and the attraction and development of new businesses within the Project Areas; and WHEREAS, Apple Valley Fans, Inc., has Committed to remain and expand their organic and natural food products company within the Project Area on the Hedges Avenue Corridor, thereby investing In new construction and equipment, rehabilitating existing buildings, adding new employees and contributing to the elimination of blight in the area; and WHEREAS, the inability of the City to undertake this Project without the involvement of the Agency relates to the limited funding ability of the City's General Fund, and to the City's budget constraints interrelated with the State budget Constraints; and WHEREAS, on February 23, 2011, the Housing and Community Development Commission ("HCDC") Considered whether to recommend this resolutlon, and voted unanimously to recommend this item; and WHEREAS, City staff has amassed the Project in connection with the Final Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Project Area, and has further determined that because the proposed public improvements consist of repair and maintenance of existing public structures, rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged public infrastructure, limited new construction, and minor alterations to the land from potential grading, trenching and backfilling, the proposed program of public improvements is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality AIX("CECA') pursuant to Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities), Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) and 15304 (Minor Alterations to Land) of the CEOA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, Agency funds are currently available for the Project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445 of the Redevelopment Law the Agency, with the consent of the Council and upon certain Council determinations, may pay for the cost to install and construct publicly owned improvements within or contiguous to the Project Areas: and WHEREAS, the Agency and Council, after due consideration, believe that the use of Agency funds to install and construct the Project, is in the best interests of the City and health, safely, and welfare of employees, businesses, property, and visitors to the Project Area, and is consistent with the public purposes and provisions of applicable state and local laws; and will improve the quality of life for residents, visitors to, and businesses and properties within the Project Area, consistent with the Plans; will be of benefit to the Project Areas by helping to eliminate blight within the Project Area, through encouraging investment in the Project Area, expansion of existing commercial businesses located CItyevelop ent Age0n N0. olueon 9 Rements N6 $'L Apple ValleyPuticenCy Apple Valley POGIc ImprOremenb Pelle 3 Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Project Area, and has further determined that because the proposed public improvements consist of repair and maintenance of existing public structures, rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged public infrastructure, limited new construction, and minor alterations to the land from potential grading, trenching and backfilling, the proposed program of public improvements is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality AIX("CECA') pursuant to Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities), Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) and 15304 (Minor Alterations to Land) of the CEOA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, Agency funds are currently available for the Project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445 of the Redevelopment Law the Agency, with the consent of the Council and upon certain Council determinations, may pay for the cost to install and construct publicly owned improvements within or contiguous to the Project Areas: and WHEREAS, the Agency and Council, after due consideration, believe that the use of Agency funds to install and construct the Project, is in the best interests of the City and health, safely, and welfare of employees, businesses, property, and visitors to the Project Area, and is consistent with the public purposes and provisions of applicable state and local laws; and will improve the quality of life for residents, visitors to, and businesses and properties within the Project Area, consistent with the Plans; will be of benefit to the Project Areas by helping to eliminate blight within the Project Area, through encouraging investment in the Project Area, expansion of existing commercial businesses located City Coundl Reeclubon No. 2011-34 -� Redavelopment Agency Resolution No. 1]]9 Apple Val" Public Improvements Page 0 within the Project Area, and resulting job creation, provides the only reasonable means of financing the Project: and is consistent with the Implementation Plan adopted pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33490. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council and Me Agency of the City of Fresno as follows: 1. The Council and the Agency find and determine the following: Finding No. 1.1: The Project is within or contiguous to the Project Area and will benefit the Project Area by helping to eliminate blight within the Project Area, in that the Project will help improve public safety and the visual and physical quality of the Project Area, will induce investment in and expansion of an existing commercial company within the Project Area, and will resuft in additional job creation. Finding No. 1.2: The Project is consistent with the Plan and the Implementation Plan for the Project Area. Finding No.1.3: Using tax increment for the Project Is essential and necessary, as no other reasonable means of financing the Project are available to the City of Fresno. Finding No. 1.4: The Project is categoncally exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). pursuant to Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities), 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) and 15304 (Minor Alterations to Land) of the CEQA Guidelines. 2. The Council consents to the Agency expending up to $355,000 of tax increment, including tax increment from the Central City Commercial Revitalization Redevelopment Project Area, to install and construct the Project, and authorizes the City Coundl Reedulion Na, Mll-34 Redevelopment Agency Resolution No. 1779 Apple Valley Public improvemeala Page 5 Executive Director of the Agency to enter into Memorandum of Understanding with Apple Valley Fame, Inc., providing for Agency reimbursement of Project expenses in return for Company investment in the Project Area and job creation. / / / / CityCouncil Recolulion No. 9011-34 Redevelopment Agency Resololgn No. 1779_ Apple Valley Pudic Improvemenp Page 6 CLERK'S CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO CITY OF FRESNO. I, REBECCA E. KLISCH, City Clerk of the City of Fresno and Ex -Officio Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno, certify that the City Council of the City of Fresno and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno, California, adopted the foregoing resolution at a joint public meeting held on the 3rd day of March, 2011, and that the same was prevent t by the following vote: AYES: Minna, sorgeas, oliviec. uuintero, westerlund, xiog, Brand NOES: None ABSENTNone ABSTAIN. None REBECCA E. KLISCH City Clerk and Ex -Officio Clerk of Me Agency ,�//���]]��,, ,�,��// By iM1k'Yi M APPROVED AS TO FORM: JAMES C. SANCHEZ City Attorney and Ex -Officio Attorney to theency _ By Sr -Deputy 15980392