HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - - 1997-040 - 3/4/1997 ATTACHMENT "A" RESOLUTION NO. 97-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRESNO, CALIFORNIA,AUTHORIZING THE INITIATION OF PROCEDURES TO AMEND THE ROEDING BUSINESS PARK REDEVELOPMENT PLAN' WHEREAS, on July 16, 1996, the Council of the City of Fresno (the "Council") enacted Ordinance No.96-53,adopting the Roeding Business Park Redevelopment Plan(the "Plan"), for the Roeding Business Park Redevelopment Project Area (the 'Project Area"); and, WHEREAS,the Council desires to consider amendments to the Plan regarding the use of eminent domain and assessment districts, to proceed with implementation of the Plan and to increase development potentials within the Project Area; and, WHEREAS, Section 12-606-B of the Fresno Municipal Code provides that amendments to a redevelopment plan shall be initiated only by the adoption of a resolution of initiation by the Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Fresno hereby authorizes the initiation of plan amendment procedures and directs staff to commence the preparation of an amendment to the Roeding Business Park Redevelopment Plan regarding the use of eminent domain and assessment districts, as necessary, to proceed with the implementation of the Plan and to increase the development potentials within the Project Area. PASSED .-••.••• EFFECTIVE 97_ � o Resolution No. Resolution of the City Council Initiating Amendment to the Roeding Business Park Redevelopment Plan Page 2 CLERK'S CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF FRESNO ) ss. CITY OF FRESNO ) I,REBECCA E. KLISCH,City Clerk of the City of Fresno, certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the Council of the City of Fresno,California,at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of Manch. 1997, by the following vote. AYES: Bnede�etd, Mathy.6, Penea, Ronguitto, Steitz, .Quintero NOES: None ABSENT: B-kigg s ABSTAIN: None REBECCA E. KLISCH City Clerk By APPROVED AS TO FORM HILDA U MONTOY CITY A ORNEY B /Deputy Attachment: Exhibit "A" -Location Map JARBPAMNDIRES JD.• '.♦ Fi♦•iA. �i e♦ F. �E .i�•♦ .fi�•i❖e7 /i❖i 1c. — ►!�-••iii♦•epi i•� iii♦e ❖:•i. , . '' ,' ' „ " �� �� �� ,,, .'. •eee♦ei i ♦� ee♦e �p�Y !�i• i�PP1 'rC7 t•\Jt4l•+'lP1' �.7 � •♦J ♦e1 ♦ ♦♦eee ►♦� ' ��' �" Leil!e�e•� . ♦•ee♦eee•. ►ee . ........•} ;N!��, .oe w.w•vn.' Oil �Oiii•Oiii •i� �i•♦•� ri'O S♦♦ •♦ e♦e♦♦�e♦ •♦ I . •�•� �ii� f 1•i♦i ii♦iiiii•ii j •i•ii e♦•• .eee♦eeeef...••♦:`.•eef P•eee�•e••♦•eeeeee,.� ti0i♦i.i , 'i'i:•i!• ®' ►iiiiii,►ii!`lii� •iiieiiieeii� �•eii�" i •iii•+ ►♦♦♦•♦ •.►♦♦ eeeee♦♦e♦e 1•ie♦. eee. ►•iiiii•�'�.e•I�iil �•iiiiiiii♦ii•.� �ieii• I �1eii ►iiiiiiiii�•i S �� ��� 1•i❖:❖:❖:❖:❖� ee♦e♦e♦♦e♦e .e♦eee♦e♦e♦eeee:• 1 �:❖:OTit'i i s❖i�i�i i i i�� Te�:�:�•�•�e�•� = ♦70 L♦♦eeeee♦•ee♦eee ♦♦•e•e♦f �•••♦••�••♦e ®■ �;� `••••••�ee••e•••••eeee••♦,eee e•♦••••ee••�♦f .Aiiiiieii .' ,•- ►.ee••e♦♦♦eeeeeee••eeeee ♦eee••ee•••♦l C leeeee eese ►ee•♦❖.e.♦•♦ee•••e•e••,eee� ♦••eeeee�•ee� : •�•iia!a•:..!i!a 1•eee e,e♦eee♦•eeeee♦♦iiiO � eiiii' •i�,�►0•. tis♦i C:•:♦i:♦:•:e:♦:':❖iii:❖:•e !i!i!:!:! .�:��♦0•�:�:�'`:�:�: ►e•eee♦♦•eeeeeeeeeei'eeii C •Oiii•�.♦iii•:a0i❖f! va'e7 c.Ta�aeTe� �•e4 _ f ee♦e♦eeeeee♦♦ •♦ .� ee♦•♦eee♦ee♦• ♦•ee•♦•eeee•♦e♦•eeee ♦• 1••eeeeeeee♦•ee•♦♦jje♦1e• .♦•f ►eeee•♦•eeeee•••••ejj e• ►ecce♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ►eeeeeeeeeee♦•ee♦eee♦eeee• eef j♦♦e♦♦e♦eeee♦♦ •♦ •♦•ee•♦•ee•♦•ee•e•♦•••: of �eee•1•eee•♦♦♦•ee•♦•e� .ice \ eeeee♦♦e♦♦e♦♦ 1�♦•ecce♦•ee♦ecce•♦ecce♦e♦e leeeeeee♦ee•1ee•♦,♦e••♦e♦ 1♦eeeeeeee♦♦ ee♦eeeeeeee♦e♦eee♦e♦e1 1•ee♦eee♦••e♦eeee•••• leee♦e♦eeeee♦ee••e❖. �e♦eeeeeeee♦e♦eeeeee ee♦eleeee ♦ecce♦♦ ie•ee♦eee eeee•eel •♦♦♦eee♦ •e♦aee•• i•eee••• ieeelee♦ •♦e♦e♦e• eee♦eeee Oeeee♦ee iee♦ee♦e ee.e•eee• ••eee•♦ ♦e♦♦♦e•• •♦eee•♦ ►e♦eeee♦• `�•eeeeee ` ►e♦eee•❖�•: ��y��� �rev♦e•♦Yeevr••Yve• .� � ♦�������♦iiiii♦iiieieiieiiiieiei♦ ♦•ieieii♦i�ie� ��♦�������� I�e�e�♦�e�e�e�e�e�•�e�e�e�e�iiii iiiiiiii �������• ♦e♦eee♦♦♦♦eeeeeee eee♦e♦e• ���������O ►e•♦•eiiiiiiiiei�ii�iiie �iiiiiiii ����������������� Ie�e�e�e�e�e�e�e�e�•�•�e�•�e�e�e�e� ee�e�e�e�e�e�e�� ►�� �' ♦�������♦ ►••a♦••eeiiiiiiiiiiii• •iiiieiiif :• ►��� 1♦eeeee♦e♦e♦e♦e♦e♦ e♦♦♦♦ee♦ ►������������� kj /iiieiiiiieee•••♦e•••••••e •e••••••••e♦♦••� f ��������♦ Iiiiiiiii♦iiiiiiiii• •iiiiiii•1 ••••'•••••'••'•''• �'''•♦•''''ee''iiii0•iiiii eiiiiiii. ���������� 1•i•�•iiiiii�i�iiiiiieii eiiiiii:e1 �����—���� �i❖ieiieiiiiieieieiieii• •ieii i ii e•' ► ♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1•ii iiiieiiieiiii�♦�e�e� ee�e♦e�eeee♦�ee� ♦�������♦ �e�e�e�e�e�e�e�e�e�e�e�e�♦�e�•�e� Oiiiiiii ������������������i �:•:♦:❖:❖:❖:•:ei•:e:�:❖:•: :❖:ei❖:•:moi f*f4it���fl���j�fl�� 1•iiiiiii•♦•••e••••••••••�••• e••••e•••e•�e�•f