HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - City Council - 75-173 - 1975-04-10m~g()LU'l'1()N no. '('i-rO JU~gOJJIJ'I']ON OP 'J'llJ·; COl)NCIl, OF 'I'lm CJ'}'Y OF' FHr::SNO MAKING APPLICA'lI ION pon APPHOVAL 01;' PROPOSAL '1'0 INI'1'IA'I'E 'I'IlE ANNEXA'I'ION OF 'l'ERRI'rORY DESIGNA'1'ED AS " .TlIE __ NIELSEN=lIUGlIES __ NO~_l-ANNEXA'1~TON 'j'05AJD Cl'j'Y mmREAS, the Counci 1 desires to anney. the hereinafter described territory to the City of Fresno in order to facilitate. the orderly ·and planned growth of the city and provide municipal services to said territorYi and I'lBEHEA5, the terri tory herein proposeu to be il1l1wy,ed is desig- nated as the Nielsen-Hughes No. 1 Annexation and consists of that real property si-tuated in the County of Fresno, State of California, the boundaries of which are specifically described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by this rcferencei and NHEREAS, l'r-vim\] anel analysis of Environmental l\ssessment No J 439 I related to said annexation project, }l~S resulted ill u Negative DeclnTo- tion by the Director of Planning and Inspectioni and _NHEREAS, approval of the Local Agency Formation Commission is a prerequisite to initiation of such annexation proceedings by the councili 1'10\,1/ 'rH1~REFORE, BE I'J'RESOI.VF.D that the Council hereby makes application to the Fresno County LOCul Agency Formation Commission for approvnl of the inilintion of proceedings by the Council to annex to the City of Fresno the territory herein described. CLF.RK1S CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF FRBSNO ) SSe CITY OF }'m~SNO ) I, JACQUELINE L. RYLE, City Clerk of the City of Fresno, certify that the foregoing resolution ''las udoptec1 by the Council of thci City of Fresno, California, at a regular meeting held on the 10th day of APRIL /19'(5 NIEIJSEN-IIUGHES NO. 1 consisting of all of Lots 20, 37, 38, 39, 49,' 50 and 59 together vIi th portions of Lots 21, 57, 58, 70 and 71 all of y7eihe Home '!'ract. All of IJots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Subdivision of the Northeast Quartl'r of Soction 6, 'J'O'Imnhip 11) Soutli, rWn9 c 20 East, 140unt Diablo Base and Meridian. Portions of Lots I, 2, 3 and 9 of the Subdivision of the southeast Quarter of Section 6, T6wnship 14 South, Range 20 East. All of lots I, 2, 15 and 16 of West Fresno. Portions of Lots 3 and 4 of Western Addition. portion of the Kerman Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way. Beginning at the Nortl1\'lest corner of the southeast Quarter of Section 6 I To\'mship 14 Sou th, Hange 20 East, Moun t Diablo Base and Meridian, as said Section is shown on the united States Township Plats, being also, a point on the existing city Limits of the City of fresno; thence Easterly, along the North line of tho Soul}lcaRt Quarter of n~id Section 6, bcinq also, along the existing City JJirnits of said cj Ly, to the intersection "lith the Northerly production of the \>lest line of the Eilst one-half of Lot 9 of the Subdivision of the southeast Quarter of Section 6, 'I'ownship 11) soulh, Han9'! 20 Eilst, H6unl: Diilblo Base and Meridian, according to the Map thereof filed in the Office of the county Recorder, January 9, 1884 and recorded in Volume 2 of Plats at page 18, Fresno County Records; thence Southerly, along the Northerly production of the West line of the East half of said JJot 9 I and along the Hest line of the East half of said Lot 9, being alsO, along the existing city Limits of said city, to a point which is JO.OO feet North of the South line of said Lot 9; thence Easterly, parallel with the South line of said Lot 9, being also, along the existing city Limits of said city, to the inter- '6octiou 'I,tth Uw Ell;'!: line of f).]i.<l ].ot 9; thence Northerly, aJong the East line of silid Lot. 9, bej'H} i1JHO, illollg the e;dnUug city IJimits of said city to a poir.d.:\vhich is 430.38 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Lot. 9; t.hence Southeasterly across Lots I, 2 and 3 of said Subdivision of the Southeast Quarter of said section 6, being also, along the existing city Limits of said City to the intersection with the East line of said Lot 3, at a point which is 181.87 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence Northeasterly, being alsO along the existing ci ty Limi ts of said Ci ly, to the intersection \-1i th the \~es t line of JJot 57, o[\'1oi11e Home Tract, as said Lot is shmvn on the Map of \'leihc lIome '~I'rncL [i led in the Office of Uw COllntv Ht;Corde}~ November 23; 1905 ~nd recorded in volume 3 of Record of Surveys at page 25, Fresno County Hecords, ilt a point \olhich is 186.20 feet North of the Southl.-leS t corner of said JJO t5 7; thence South- easterly, across Lots 57, 5U, 59, 70 and 71 of said Weihe Horne Tract, being also, along the existing city Limits of said City, to the intersection \-lith the East line 0 f the \'1est hal f of the Southwest Quarter of Section Sf of said township and Range, at a point which is l23.0~ feet North of the South line of said Section 5; thence Northerly along the East line of the West hillf of the SouthlllCst Quarter of said Section 5, to the. inteT- section with the Easterly production of the South line of Lot 5Gof soid \>leihe lIome 'J'r'lGt, bej)){J al!;o, Il point on the exist- ing City Limits of said City; thence Westerly, along the EnsLerly production of Uw South 1 ine of !-:laid 1.01;' 56', ilnd I"J I ~~ along the son th line of said Lot 56, being also, along the ~~ Uy,intJIlI,J city /,imitn of nil;d cily, 10 Ihe f)o\ll:hwf'fl/: Gonw)· or said JJot 56; thence Northerly, alon!.} the \'Iest 1.ineH of J.,ot!~ 40, 48, 51 and 56, of said \'leihe Home Tract, and along the Nor therly production of the 'IJest line of sidd Lot 40 J beinq also, along the existing city Limits of said City, to the inten;cction ... ,ith the Northline of the South hal f of said Section 5'; thence Easterly, along the North linc of thc South half of said Section 5, being t11~w, td.ong the mdgUIl(J CHy I,jmil.:H of fHd.d C.ity, to the inter- section \,/ith a line If/hich is parallel It/ith and 25.00 feet \'lest of the \\'est line of Lot 3D, of said \'leihe Home Tract; thence Northorly ft.10J)fl -l l11w '1/hir:h is paral101 '/dth and 25.00 feet Wcr?t of the \>Jest lines of IJoLs ~e, L9 illHJ 36 of sillt! t-Julhe Hollie 'I'tucl, being also, along the existing city Limits of said city, and along the center line of North Teilman Avenue, to the intersection with the South\vesterly right of I;lay line of the California State Free'..,ray No. 99; thence Northwesterly, along the Southwesterly right of way line of said California State Freeway No. 99, to the intersection with the East line of I,ot 20, of said ~Ieihe Home Tract; thence Northerly, ~long the E~st line of said Lot 20, and along the Nor thel-ly peoductioll of the East 1 inc of said Lot 20, to the intersection ",lith tile No,-UlCdy d<jht of vWy ] inc of the Kerman ·Branch oftbe Southern Pacific rail\oJay, being algo, the SuuthcDSt corner of Lot 18, of said \-leihe Home 'l'ract; thence Nesterly along the Northerly right of way line of said railway, being also, along the South lines of JJots 18 and 19 of said \'1eihe Home Tract, to the Southwest corner of said Lot 19; thence Northerly, along the Nest lines of Lots 19 , 10 and 9 of said \<leihe Home 'I'ract, and along the Northerly production of the \"lest line of said Lot 9, to the intersection with the South line of Section 32, Township 13 South, nange 20 East, Nount Diablo Base and Ncridian, being also a point on the existinq City J,irnj ts of said city; thence \"lesterly along the South line of ~a.id BJ~Gti()n 32, and iJJOJl(j tho South l.i.ne of Section 31, of said 'l'ovlnship and Range, being also, along the existing city Limits of said City, to the intersection with the southerly production of the West line of Lot 75 of Hoeding's Villa Colony, as said lot is sho ... m on the Hap of Hoedi ng I s Villa Colony, filed in the Office of the county Hecorderj December 15, 1902 and recorded in Volume 2 of Hecord of SurveyB at: paqc 1)3, Fresno County Records; thence continuing Westerly along the South line of said Section 31, being also, nlong tIle North line of said Section 6, to the intcrsecUon ""ith the North(!rly production of tlw \'lcst line of . Lot 2 of "lest Fresno I as said lot is sho",m on the Map of \1est I·'resno, filed in the Office of the County Recorder, February 17, 1888 and recorded in Volume 2 of Plats at page 50, Fresno County Records; thence Southerly along the Northerly production of the \,les t line of said Lot 2, and along the Nest lines of Lots 2 and 15 of said West Fresno, and along the Southerly production of the \'lest line of said Lot 15, to the intersection Vli.th the Southerly right of way line of the Kerman Branch of the Southern Pacific railway; thence Easterly, along the Southerly right of \'lay line of said riJiJroiHJ, to lilt! intcn;ecUon "lith tho \1Qst line of the Northeast Ouarter of said Section 6; thence Southerly along the West line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 6, to the point of Beginning.