HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - City Council - 67-278- 1967-12-14Recording requested _ . en] Clerk. Fresno, CW>rnia No Fee-Govt. Code 6103 & 27383 ReflJm if"' CHvC1Fr". Fre~n() , ~Qf-!H.Q513 PAGE 41,,' Hfi'~196 RESOLUTION NO.. 67'-278 FILE; 5753'- RESOLUTION VACATING EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTJlJ1Y PURPOSES WHEREAS, there Is an ellement for publIc utility purposes In, upon over and across the strIp of rea) property sItuated In the City of Fresno, County of Fresno, State of c.ltfornla. and hereinafter partlcuJarJy described: and, \.ftUREAS, the Council of said city now fJnds fran all the evIdence submJtted that the saId easement hereinafter parth:ularly descrJbed Is unnecessary for pTosent and prospective pubJJc purposes; and. WHEREAS, the CouncIl of the CJty of Fresno desIres to vncate and abandonment such easements; NmI, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Fresno does hereby resolve lJS fol JOWS! That tho easement for utJJay purposes heretofore and now existIng In. upon, over and across the strIp of rea) property hereInafter descrJbed, be and 1 t J5 hereby vacat1ftboRDED AT REQUEST Of .&:~/..1a.t;;.I.Iy.~/;..c.k. AT .:: __ .MIN. PAST :.1...4.N.. and abandoned, to-wIt: lhe north 6 feet of that poTtlon of the pub11.c UtIlity easement lyIng 1n the Southerly 8 li OO feet of Lots 26. 27 and '28 of E} CamJno Terrace DEC 19 1867 . No" 2, as said easement is shown on the Map o~ HDOX5513 PAGE 4:1· £1 COOIJno Terrace }fo. 2, fIled In the OffIce .:. FRESNO COUNTY. CAllFORtui . of the County Recorder May 31, J960 and recorded J. L. BROWN. COUNTY RECORDER In Volume 20 of plats at page 25, Fresno County ~~.~~ Records, excoptthe ElIst 5.00 feet ofsaJd Lot V{OrN1'tAIffIW. 26, and abo .. except the west 62 0 00 feet of saId Lot 26. The City CJerk of the City of Fresno sha) 1 certlfyto t,hepassage of this resolutIon and sha)) cause 8 certlfJed-copy thereof attested by theClf!rk under the seal of saId City of Fresno, to be recorded In the'offlce of the County , . Recorder of the County of Fresno, State of CalJfornJa, saJd CIty of Fresno beJng situated within saId county. J, Jacqueline L. RyJe, Chy Clerk of the CJty of Fresno, certIfy that the foregoing ResolutIon was adopted by the CouneYl of· tho CJty of Fresn911 State of California, at a regular meetIng thereof, held on the. 14thdayof . D~cember • 19~7, and that the same was passed by the followIng votes! . Ayes: Bell, Camaroda, Nagel, Wasemiller, Wills, fiyde Noas: None 'Absent' None ;.(PPROYED AS TO FORM ROBE~~A) ~Ity A!fomey a" 6~%t . ..t •• --• 'I - . . . .' f. Ij"':ti Pate 1'1. 6L(, 7 ~ ......... -- , I -~-- 8oOJ~5513PAGE 42 . , _£~_J_-~ /~t/w. ~ /y j a ___ L_ I , I ,--.,. t (/': I I I I -I I I -.. --- -r',-.J r-) r--) /1· C' ,-J '.' /J/9-~ --_ ../~ /.r'.rl'...--l =--J.:::, .f .1 ..:.;:/